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 Geez, who put those donuts out! Stay focused, Sassy, the shoots almost finished! XD 

As usual, the high resolution files will be sent out after pledges have processed, usually on the 5th of next month. 

Thanks for your support!    




What did we do to deserve a double upload?


I just finished it today, so why wait? The lines took forever, but the colors went fast!

Matthew D. Riddle

Colors made the difference, shading shows great definition, donuts clearly have a great effect on elves.

Shawn K. Younkin

Ohhhhh...oh...oh my..... She is lovely!!


I’m really loving this set! Definitely one of my favorites! But on a serious note, she needs to remember that she needs to wait an hour to get back into the pool after eating all those doughnuts! We don’t want to get cramps.


Well, she does! I bet they have as much variety as us. XD And yeah Matthew, the lines didn't really do it justice, I think.


I like how the shadow gives her a tiny bit of modesty ;)


im sorry agian for critic but the right buttock dosn't exist =3 I think you should have make it a little bit fuller


I used photo reference for the buttocks specifically, to make sure it was accurate to reality. I checked it thoroughly, and the anatomy is accurate, in this pose and perspective. with my art, I have to trust an actual photographic reference over the imagination of someone else. I hope you understand. Of course, you don't have to like the pose I chose, and I understand if you don't. But it is indeed correct in the anatomy and perspective.


It just ended up that way (studied photo reference for this, to add that touch of reality). I am glad you like how it turned out!