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Here are the colors for the second pinup for May! Sassy is impatient with the thought of donuts after the photoshoot. XD

 As usual, the high resolution files will be sent out after pledges have processed, usually on the 5th of next month. 

Thanks for your support!    



Matthew D. Riddle

So, clearly she is irritated, but somehow turned on by the thought of the delicious powder sugared pastries awaiting the end of this shoot.....


I mean, can you blame her? Once donuts are in the picture, everything else takes a back seat!


Is it just the perspective or does the length from knee to hip seem too long?


It's the perspective. The camera is very low to the ground, and closer to her knees, which makes the legs look bigger, and the torso smaller. I dunno, I just like using weird camera angles and perspectives. XD


I'd have a whole tray of donuts ready for her after this!


Is it just me or is the one piece actually have more allure and sex appeal than just the bikini or the nude one?


Hey, I hear ya! I have always liked tease the most, and subtlety is super sexy. Still, it's been fun to do these nudes, lately. :)