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Hey everyone, I got a question for ya! One of my awesome supporters approached me with the idea of posting all of my work here, on Patreon, as well as on DeviantArt. The reason I haven't done this already is because I like how Patreon is all about the exclusive content that my supporters get. Nearly everything that I post here is just for you all, and can't be found anywhere else. Even if it can be found elsewhere, such as my recent "Plushy Snuggle" series, you guys are getting the high rez versions, which no one else gets. If I posted all of my stuff here, there would be a lot more work to sift through, to get to the exclusive reward content... However, it's true that it might be more convenient for you all, if I had all my content on this site, as well as on DeviantArt. Sort of like a VIP lounge for those who support me. So what do you think? I'd love to hear how everyone feels about this. If enough people dig the idea, I will make it so. Just to be clear, this is not to say that I would stop posting on DA, I just would post my public images both here, and on DA. Let me know what you think!



As much as I want to say that things should be exclusive, its bound to happen that someone will post your artwork somewhere else, so I don't think it matters. though being part of this exclusive VIP which I am dubbing the "Ronin-club" and being able to see art that others on DA can't see is pretty awesome. But in the end we are doing it mostly cause were fans right?


Oh, I am not saying to take the exclusive art from here and post it on DA. I mean to take all the DA art and post it here, too. That way DA gets the DA stuff, but Patreon get the Patreon stuff AND the DA stuff. Follow me?


I do now mate, but at the same time that be a lot of work, a lot of your stuff you be trying to give to your patreon fans may get lost in shuffle


Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. I figured I'd ask, though, just in case a majority wanted that. :)


Just to throw in here (a bit late as usual), but I like things uncluttered on Patreon. The VIP Lounge idea is neat. ;)