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***EDIT**I added a bit to the hair, so I re-uploaded it. XD********* I tried something different with the lines, with a bit more variation in the thickness. I like it, but it takes a LOT longer to do... I suppose it's something to remember for later. :)Also, I did not use any references for this one, so I am especially proud of it. It came entirely from my own noggin! :DThanks everyone for the support! I hope you enjoy this overly accessorized tennis player!




Danggggggggggggg, I love the lines! How much longer did it take due to that?


Well, lets see... Usually, for a pic like this, inking takes about an hour, since I use the same thickness and each line only takes a single stroke. However, what I did was something that the artist "Knockwurst" on DA (Kienan Lafferty) calls "Line-Sculpting". I used to do it a lot (before it was cool, lol), but abandoned it due to how much quicker my current method is. For this one, I think the linework took about 4-6 hours, but the sketch and inking phase kind of blend together, with this method. Instead of making a loose sketch and correcting everything on a new layer with the clean ink lines, I just kept sketching and erasing, until it looks like it does, all on one layer. I lost track of time, and I really wasn't rushing... I think I could make it faster, by switching around my process a bit, and still get the same effect though, and I think the results warrant at least an attempt to make it more regular.


I quite like the new lines you've done.


Thanks dude! It took a lot longer... Not sure if it'd be worth it to do commissions with, but it feels a lot more natural, when you look at it.


I really like this new technique. The colours both blend really well and pop to make the image more eye-catching. That she's extremely hot and posed provocatively doesn't exactly hurt either :p


Thanks! I always feel like I need to revise how I do things. It keeps things interesting, and I feel like it helps me improve, when I keep exploring.


Amazing, you did a fantastic job on this one! I like the color scheme, it all blends together very well.

Matthew D. Riddle

Super sexy as always man, but the way you do expressions and eye/eye contact is unparalleled. You manage to pull off the "eyes following you effect," like from old WWII posters (I know odd comparison), perfectly.


Thanks, Matthew! I will have to look up some old WWII photos now! Good to know. :)