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I was so busy with family stuff this last week that I didn't find time to respond to everyone's suggestions, but I did read through them! We have a winner for the new girl's name, and it's Melonie! It's just too perfect haha
Thanks everyone for giving your suggestions! :D

Ok, I'll get to work on the next part. How will Melonie find relief from the heat? Let's see!

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Really love this. Sorry I haven't commented on your other stuff the past few months, personal stuff, you've been absolutely killing it and it's been great to see all the little details and side stories going on in each work. I'm not sure why but the watermelon themed outfit is really doing something for me. Maybe it's tje colors because I also like the gradient the background character has on as well.


That's one hell of a wardrove :P Also, the lass behind her rings a bell... have we seen her before?


Thank you so much! I appreciate that you took the time to comment. I'm glad you like the outfit, I was hoping it wasn't too dorky, but people seem to be enjoying it! :D I hope your personal life is headed in a good direction!


She's a fruit lover, for sure! The blonde is a new girl. But a lot of my ladies look similar because I use the same face format pretty much for everyone XD