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Here's the (almost) full comic for Wendy the Summertime Lifeguard!

I say almost, because I actually have one more page to finish in order to wrap up the background character shenanigans. The last few days I have been busy with obligations away from the PC, but I'll finish that page up soon and call the comic complete! I'll update this post and notify everyone once it's done.

Thanks everyone for all the support on making this silly little comic! I learned so much, and it's really been fun to stretch my story telling skills!





I am loving these comic series! I know they are a lot of extra work, but it's so much fun to see how these characters interact and play out a story!

The Mu

Great use of worldbuilding in this comic 😁


Thanks! Most of the background stuff came in because I just didn't know what to put in and it looked empty, so I was just goofing around with silly ideas. But it came together alright! 😄

John Leighs

We need way more Wendy stories. She is cute and hot!!!