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Hi everyone - some big news for fans of Medieval Warfare magazine. As you might know, I stepped down as its Editor earlier this year. Alice Sullivan, who also writes for us on Medievalists.net, has taken on the reins of the magazine, and they are doing some changes to the magazine. 

While Medieval Warfare was really focused on military history, Medieval World is going to be a little broader, taking advantage of a lot of great stories that couldn't be told. I very much support the changes.

So Medieval Warfare is now Medieval World. A lot of you who get the magazine here via our Patreon will see it just shift over. The first issue should be arriving in about a week. If you are worried that military history will be excluded, that is not the case - you can check out the contents of the first issue here. In fact, I have an article in this issue, talking about Emperor Maximillian I, and Ill continue to write for the new magazine.



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