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Our next Book of the Month will be De Sortibus: A Letter to a Friend about the Casting of Lots, by Thomas Aquinas, translated by Peter Carey.

Around 1270 Aquinas wrote a letter to a friend on whether lots could be used to seek God's will in the appointment of a bishop. It's an interesting look at medieval views on luck and chance, and whether one should do things like this. You can learn more about the book from the publisher's website

As we changed up the way Patreon donations are collected, here is how the next Book of the Month will work. If you are already signed up to the Patreon tier with the Book of the Month, then on May 1st your donation will be collected and you will get a copy sent to you by the publisher.

If you are new and sign up to Book of the Month tier between May 1st and May 31st, you will also be getting this book too, and then on June 1st you will then start automatically be getting the Books of the Month as long as your are signed up.

If you have any questions, just let me know ~ Peter



Jessica M. Kandal, Ph.D. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 20:20:24 Hello! I just changed my tier from the $5 to the Book of the Month tier ($45? tier) and was wondering if I'm understanding correctly how this will work lolol - the publisher will be sending me a copy? Or do I need to somehow get a copy on my own? Also is there a separate area to go for the discussions and will you start talking about this book on June 1st or be starting a different book on June 1st? My sincere apologies for all my questions! I'm just a little confused and I didn't want to miss anything Lolol! Very Respectfully & Many Thanks! Lady Anne(Jessica M. Kandal, PhD)
2022-05-23 15:20:24 Hello! I just changed my tier from the $5 to the Book of the Month tier ($45? tier) and was wondering if I'm understanding correctly how this will work lolol - the publisher will be sending me a copy? Or do I need to somehow get a copy on my own? Also is there a separate area to go for the discussions and will you start talking about this book on June 1st or be starting a different book on June 1st? My sincere apologies for all my questions! I'm just a little confused and I didn't want to miss anything Lolol! Very Respectfully & Many Thanks! Lady Anne(Jessica M. Kandal, PhD)

Hello! I just changed my tier from the $5 to the Book of the Month tier ($45? tier) and was wondering if I'm understanding correctly how this will work lolol - the publisher will be sending me a copy? Or do I need to somehow get a copy on my own? Also is there a separate area to go for the discussions and will you start talking about this book on June 1st or be starting a different book on June 1st? My sincere apologies for all my questions! I'm just a little confused and I didn't want to miss anything Lolol! Very Respectfully & Many Thanks! Lady Anne(Jessica M. Kandal, PhD)