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The next Q&A for the Bow and Blade podcast is coming up. What would you like to ask Kelly and Michael about military history in the Middle Ages?



I don't suppose I have a specific question, but I'm interested in siege mining — I think I get the military purpose of either tunneling under or weakening walls, but what was it like for the miners? Were they recruited/taken away from regular mining jobs? In the camp with the rest of the army? How far did they have to tunnel, how long did that take? Thanks!


Battle lines often have depth, ie, rows of fighters. Over the course of a campaign, was the average joe farmer-turned-infantry man expected to spend some time near the front of the line? Or could they sit in the middle of groups for each encounter and go home without any shame?


I'd like to know practical details: the size of armies, how kings/lords raised an army, how they provisioned it. How did an army on a campaign far from home communicate with their king/lords.


Do you think the Percys really were in collusion with Glyndŵr? If so, why in God's name didn't Hotspur just wait on his father's forces before going all-in at Shrewsbury, let alone keep Glyndŵr in the damned loop? I've always wondered what was going through his mind when he decided it was a good day to die like a fool.


I’m curious if there are any plans to do any archeological work related to the proposed Crecy battlefield site (I totally agree with you guys, by the way). I figure there’s gotta be at least a couple arrowheads left, within 220 yards of the front of the wagonberg. Also, what might be the best way to view the battlefield location? I know there is no commemorative stuff, but that’s fine. I just want some angry farmer chasing me off his land, haha! Also, do we have any solid indication on the location of the Blanchetach Ford? I’m planning a trip to Northern France, and really want to go see those two locations, even though I know there’s not really a lot to see. Thank guys, keep up the good work! ps. I’ve already ordered a copy of the Crecy books. Super stoked to read it!