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Hello everyone - it's been a while since I've created post here, so it's time I came back to update you - and bearing gifts!

For almost a year we have had Tina Ross creating maps for some of our patrons. I think her work is really good, so I asked her to create a special map for all our patrons - it features Ireland in the early 11th century, a very pivotal time for the country. Tina depicts the various kingdoms in Ireland, plus the areas under Viking control. It also marks over 40 sites on the island, such as towns and monasteries, as well as the location of the Battle of Clontarf, which took place in 1014.

If you want more of these maps, think about switching to one of the tiers that offers Tina's maps each month. We haven't decided what next's month map will be, so how about we take suggestions - just leave a comment here on what you would like her to create.

Also, some news - our Patreon has really grown the last few months, and we're approaching $2000 a month - thank you so much! It's allowing us to grow again. First of all, next month will be launching The Medieval Grad Podcast, which is hosted by Lucie Laumonier, She is going to be interviewing graduate students and early career researchers in the field on medieval studies, which I think will give you insights into what people are working on. We are also setting up a fifth podcast, which we hope to start in August - stayed tuned for details.

We've added a few more columnists as well - Kelly DeVries is one of the leading medieval military historians, and he really offers some interesting pieces. Sophie Andrade is also writing a piece each month, and I like her style. We have a few people who are coming back in June to pen more columns. Next month will be pretty busy!

Thanks again for your support and I hope you enjoy the map - you can download it as JPG or PDF file. ~ Peter




would love to learn more about 3rd and 4th cent. art


Thank you very much!