News and Stuff (January Update) (Patreon)
Hello. Happy New Year!
I hope you are well, firstly may I thank you so much for your continued support into the new year. I hope you are having a lovely time so far and keeping warm and safe.
Blender News
I'd just like to give an update on things, firstly as you may know I am slowly transitioning my animations into Blender, which will allow for better quality characters and animations, as well as fluids and more 3D/VR experiences. This will be a long process but it has always been something I've wanted to delve into. I've exhausted the capabilities of my existing application and now I have to take a leap of faith into Blender. New content with this will be slow process but hopefully worth the wait. I will be making animations in between and transitioning slowly.
Existing Projects and Plans
I hope you liked the Christmas special feature, with Dash and Shadow Wolves. The project I was working on prior was the Stallion x Wolf - Breeding Mount project which I can now concentrate more on.
I also have a commission for Seriah (F) Wolf, Mare x Dash w/ Dildo commission. Stay tuned for the update on this and the Patreon Fantasy Poll! I'll be taking your animation loop idea and adding them to a poll for you to choose which one is animated.
Don't forget my live stream watch how I animate and constant crashing, put up with my whining and raw conversations. I look forward to seeing you there - Pizza's compulsory!
MEGA Project Archive Links
Here are the MEGA archive links for:
October | Jingle Bells Special
There is no link for november because the Dragon x Stallion project worked through November. December's feature is the Jingle Balls Special.
Project Trioami (One-stop place for all my animations)
My developer is currently working on a web version for cross-platform capability animations. He says he is studying OAuth; if you are familiar with this I would be grateful if you could get in touch.
Discord Server
I have set up a new discord server, it's quieter than my old one (Stallion Alcove). I will be re-establishing the Patreon bot in the Tiers so I'm not sure what will happen if you are an existing member. If you are an existing member of the server and you get kicked please feel free to revisit using this link:
Please feel to join the server here:
See you there!
That's all for now, don't forget the live stream. Stay tuned for the Patreon Fantasy and I look forward to making more animations for you.
Take care,
Love you all <3