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New Style Animations | Project Trioami App

Hello, I hope you don't mind, I just wanted to post a quick message just to wish you all well, I hope you are, and keeping safe.

I would just like to mention a few things on the open project including new style of animating and a quick update on the Project Trioami Animations App

Firstly, just, thank you all so so much for your continued support as we approach into April ~ you are all truly amazing, Thank you! ~? I am always animating in my free time after walking and hugging my three woofers~ ? I hope I am proving worthy of your most generosity and are enjoying the animations.

Gigsy, Ollie & Oscar @ White Coppice, Lancashire, England.

Open Projects /New style of Animating

Thank you so very much for your patents with the Horse Threesome feature. I am attempting to start a new style of animating which is adapted for the app, which allows for realtime and seamless transitions between scenes on the Mpeg4.

I have prioritised this project and there are several more key scenes and transitions still to be animated, I've tweaking the render options and have significantly improved the output render times, see me live on the daily stream, I shall publish a quick preview of scenes rendered and animated thus far and appreciate your support and patents with getting this out. I truly hope the project is worth your patents.

Project Trioami App

As you may know, I am working with a developer for a pc/mac and mobile app for the animations, thank you all who are interested in this development, the purpose is to allow easy access to the animations and realtime scene, angle and speed changes. I am super psyched as we have worked so hard with incorporating everything we need for a public release and good vision for the future development of the app.

If you are interested in the development and like to give insight or have access to alpha releases please see disc link:


Thats all for now, thank you all so much for your continued support and wish you all the health and happiness going into April, remember I, and we are always available for a chat in the Stallion Alcove disc server.

Keep safe,

~Trio x



Aww your most welcome Trio! But I think I speak for just about everyone when I say that your work and effort into these animation is why we support you in the first place. So a big thanks to you as well for putting out some amazing work! I have to say I’m looking forward to the new style of animations sounds really cool! And the App of course! Keeping things really fresh! Love it!


Aww thank you so much, such a sweet thing to say I really hope you're liking the animations and yeah I'm really excited for the new style and app and I hope it proves worthy of your generosity x

ren andrews

Same here I enjoy you work so suck and hope to see more take care and keep working hard.


Hi Ren, Aw Thank you I'm glad you are enjoying the animations so far, Thanks for kind message too please keep safe too and I will keep delivering my best, I good I am proving worthy to you and everyone's generosity x