Heyo (Patreon)
To the guy who leaks I wanna congratulate to you personally, you're the hero of the community! You take other people works, made with blood, sweat and tears and give it to everyone for free! How nice of you! You should do the same with your paycheck every month, just give it to everyone bro, send money to all of us bro. On a serious note, I grew up in a christian family, and even though I don't believe anymore, I'm glad I learned the golden rule at a young age. "Don't fuckin do to others what you don't want done to you", and when you think about it, if everyone acted based on this, we would be in the year 4022 by now. Now here, there's literally the choice, to support creators or not, but no, we have leakers who takes the piece of shit route, and decides to screw other people over. So congratulations for being a shitbag. Again, we would be in the year 6000 if we didn't choose to fuck other people. But no, it's asking too much as always. I'm not sorry for ranting, shits pisses me off everytime. Life is short, and people have the choice to do good or bad, and actively decides to do bad, congrats. And may the same happen to you or worse. To everyone else with actual common sense and a little bit of empathy, to all my dearest supporters, I can't thank you enough for the support you're giving me through the years. Thank you so much! The least I can do is try to get better with each new drawing. Anyway I can't wait to come back and draw more soon! (prob around end of the month I'll make a poll)