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Sorry I'll be quick, I'm writing this from my phone in bed, I've been pretty damn busy lately. I know I said "I'm going on vacation" "I'll take some free time" but you know I can never stop not doing anything. This last week I slowly remade the patreon look, I remade the tiers icons and descriptions and everything, so now it looks a bit more fresh. My plan was to start working in advance in january so I would have less work to do during february obviously but yeah I literally finished reworking the patreon yesterday (today I worked a bit on the gumroad, changed some stuff) so yeah... Now is basically fuckin february. Anyway talking about the next work, I'm planning to do a Miia piece, it should be a wholesome one, hopefully I can pull this off nice. The idea is there in my head but I dunno how if it'll transition good jn a illustration, I'll try my best though. Anyway nini



I’m not going to speak for everyone, but the main thing is that you don’t overwork yourself. If you have to take some time off or whatever then please do. I for one just want you to be at your best and if that means less art then guess what it means less art. You make top notch art. Keep being you and keep improving, nothing but love and respect.


Wait what you mean I don't overwork myself? I actually think the issue is the other way around lol. Anyway I'm not in the position to stop the patreon for more than a month for a bunch of different factors, I definitely could! but I won't. I said I was gonna come back this month and here I am.


All I’m saying is to watch over yourself in general. Apologies if it came off wrong, I didn’t full recognize that you were gone for a month. As I just started following you recently. Not making excuses just explaining. Might come off as nagging and I don’t mean it that way. Nonetheless take care of yourself to the best of your ability. Love the work as always nothing but love and respect.