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this is the kind of drawing that took a while to polish the idea, I didn't start with a clear idea, I just went with it with the colors and shading, I know it's taking long but after messing with it, I think I got a better idea of what I want to make now. You can expect something like this in the final drawing sort of, I might still mess a bit with the colors. Anyway working on half of the variants still, then I'll release everything. My plan was to finish this week, but the idea kinda changed and so the plan did, it's gonna take a few days still. One thing I actually missed about drawing in general, was taking my time to polish and mess around with one project, idk usually with patreon and work cycles I'm kinda forced to release every drawing pretty fast, at the cost of the quality a bit? Not saying every drawing I usually release is rushed, but maybe not perfect. I don't think I could have got these pretty colors in this drawing in a normal monthly patreon scenario, I'm actually kinda glad I'm taking my time this time. So please be a bit more patient! doing my best to make it look good c:
