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Hiya how you guys doing? Anyway sketched the front part, it actually kinda goes a bit on it's own, it doesn't really feel tied with the other side but still, I think it came out pretty good, can't wait to color it tbh; however I wanna sketch the next work first. Still not entirely sure what though. Also for those who just joined, I'll soon send you the past past zip, since I did a pause on august I technically don't have a zip. 




This is one of my fetishes u better put this on gumroad next month. on a side note good work exicted to see the finished product


BTW it's regular horse pp, it's not futa cathyl lol

Funny Valentine

Nice to see more Cerea lol amazing art as always


“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Great work! As usual the scene and expressions are fantastic!