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okay guys , from now on , all  DL links will be messaged . this should atleast prevent random users and visitors to DL the stuff early . only downside is new patrons cannot recieve it . this is because their pledge will have to be proccessed first before i can send them the links . they need to wait until the following month to recieve DL link tru messaging system . as i mentioned on my previous post , we are planning to give something extra for the patrons . this should be a good start . if you guys have any thoughts . feel free to let us know

DL link has already been sent . please check your inbox 



Even with the new charge system? where you are charged up-front?


pretty much . because i can only send messages to patrons who proccessed their pledges in the previous month . newer ones don't appear in the patreon manager so there's no way for me to trace a new patron . i really wish i have more control of this . if something better comes up , i'll be willing to consider


I don't understand? With the new system people can't see the activity feed without paying immediately


that is patreon's intent . it's not mine actually , i'm just following tru . it's been that way since they launched the site . those that can be seen are public post . if a post is not seen then that means it's patrons only post , and you haven't proccessed your pledge yet . so technically , you're not a legitimate patron yet . you can see the unnaccessible posts the next month after your pledge got tru . i'm not really sure if they made changes lately , but i hope my explaination helped :)


Im thinking of pledging but if i have to wait a month ill pass, im not a patient guy

Ian H

how far along is rogue courier ? as im interest in the game


New game under development <a href="https://www.patreon.com/releasedby">https://www.patreon.com/releasedby</a> thank you.


What a antihuman software.I want to pay and I must wait a mounth...


this was last year's post. patreon fixed the problem. patrons don't need to wait now


Its means next month I can get the DL link?I really want to know about it...


i'm not sure what you mean . normally , a confirmed patron should be able to see links in my post now. i'm still not posted a new link this month yet btw . will have it ready somewhere on the 20th this month