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alright , new material has been made .  it's a reskin from a previous comission . it's not as good as my recent uploads , but this one have 2 variations and a climax .  I did changed some details to improve it but I think it can still be improved even more . maybe later when schedule is not hectic . I had to take some comissions atm because I need to generate estra funds to pay for the VA , and buy an audio editing software . audacity has limited features and it does'nt have what I need to be done .  pledges alone still fell short , but it's okay . I got this covered . 

so go ahead click on the link to check it out . thanks for all your support :)



tantananan!! hohoho . I just made a new material . I got this from an old comission , but since I re-skinned it , it's mine now hehehe . some of you might think that I'm being lazy lately . but thing is ,I had to re-touch details that I did'nt really like from the original .


Jay Dakat

Good work still, pinoy. I also noticed that your recent work for Vortex on ARIA has been excellent as well. Some of the best 2d animation I've seen. Sorry to hear you still need commissions. I hope I can increase my support when I get stuff sorted. Best wishes