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Heyo guys! It's Katie here. This is gonna go live with some changes on our commission form and will affect all future commissions we take both here on Patreon, and off.

1.) All character features must be present on the refs or ideas initially submitted.

For instance: If character A is submitted with a specific outfit in their ref, and nothing is said in the request to suggest that that outfit be different, we will not honor any requested changes to their outfit during the feedback phase. Please be sure you know exactly what you want when you make your request.

It's alright to describe things about your ref you want changed for this particular picture, but these changes must be present in the request before we commence work.

2.) Any features you want in your commission must be contained within your request.

For instance: If you want an internal-less version of your vore picture, you must let us know before we commence work on your picture.

We are also changing how we accept alterations or tweaks in the following ways.

3.) Commissions will be limited to a total of two passes for requested changes*.

4.) Major changes requested after we have finished coloring your piece that could have been requested during the sketch phase based on your received WiP, (aka, not color related or detailing related changes that changed from lines to color) will not be honored without incurring an additional fee*.

For instance: Say Character A and Character B are sitting on a bench. That's the commission. After you receive the WiP, you ask that Character A's leg be crossed and B have his hand in the air. After you receive the colors, you then request that A's legs be uncrossed or B to be standing behind the bench instead. You also request we change the color of Character A's hair to be more bright. In this case, the hair changes would be honored, but we would not make posing changes at this stage without incurring a fee.

*Addendum on 3 and 4, if the changes are requested because of a mistake on our parts we will always honor them.

For instance: Your picture is complete after you've given feedback twice and we forget a detail you mentioned in the request. We will still honor it.

For instance 2: We get to the coloring phase and a major detail of the posing is left out entirely that was put plainly in the initial request. We will make this change regardless of our earlier policy change.

Finally, 5.) Any changes to your request post acceptance, like an edited post, will be deemed irrelevant. We back up any commission request taken, and this is mainly a rule to protect us in the event someone claims that we didn't honor the request we agreed to but in reality, had altered it without our knowledge to get additional free alternate art.

None of y'all are like that, but better safe than sorry, no?

If you have any feedback about these changes, let us know! These mostly came about as a way to further streamline and avoid massive delays. It might not seem like much to some, but these sorts of requests can impact our workflow massively, and the need to implement some kind of hard limit was clear.

If these rules seem too strict or even not strict enough, please let us know here or privately via our commission discord or through Patreon messages. Thanks!


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