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Hey guys! I'm Katie, Muhny's manager. I handle correspondence with customers like yourselves, and organizing posting art and other administrative tasks of that nature. You'll hopefully be seeing me a lot, but these accounts are still used and seen by Muhny and he will be engaging with you directly on occasion.

I'm here to talk about some changes moving forward!

Firstly, we are adjusting the commission tiers prices. Depending on when you see this message, there might be only the basic tiers available. This is because we are working with the folks who wanted to stay through the price increase to ensure they get their slots back. These are the new paid commission tiers that will be opening up.

Sketch Tier: 45$
Shaded Sketch Tier: 90$

The 120$ shaded tier will be dissolved. We're removing it because over the years, Muhny has grown and improved what he's able to offer at the Shaded Sketch Level. We hope you'll enjoy what comes of these. <3

Furthermore, for our 5$ patrons. A common concern I see is a lack of activity. I would like to redouble our efforts here.

So, for you, I have the following updates.

All sketch tier commissions will be posted exclusively here on this Patreon. Furthermore, all colored commissions will be posted here a week before they're posted on Muhny's Itaku/FA/Twitter.

Patrons and commissioners who purchase these are free to post them as per usual.

I will also be posting more personal work of Muhny's here for your perusal. :3 I want to ensure we're appreciating all you've done for us to support Muhn in his career.

Cheers to a new chapter for this Patreon, and a wonderful August for you all. Thank you for everything. <3


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