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These days Xele was travelling around to visit her family, so I had some free time to make some extra sketches! ;) <3
They are Gabriel (left) and Duncan (right). You're starting to get to know Duncan by now, but this is Gabriel's first appearance~ ^0^
I'll give you some context about them~
They are both vampires, Gabriel is Stephen "adopted son", a hundred years older than Duncan before he joined them to the hotel.
Gabriel is a very active, energetic and cheeky guy, while Duncan is more calm, patient and silent.
They became inseparable lovers in no time and were together for more than 40 years...until Gabriel betrayed both Duncan and Stephen.
He tried to set the hotel on fire and attempted to kill Stephen.
From that moment Duncan became even more loner and depressed. çwç

We hope that over time you will learn to love them too! <3 




Mi pareva strano che Duncan non avesse almeno una delusione d'amore! (non so quanti anni abbia di preciso, ma anche se è un 'giovane' vampiro di certo non immaginavo pochi) Peró cavoli più di 40 anni insieme, ci credo abbia accusato la botta 😅


I love them already! Oh how heartbreaking! I hope we'll get to know more of their story. It would take a lot to betray someone you were blood bonded to. I'm so hooked!