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The new page arrived with a bit of effort, but here it is! >0<
Unfortunately during the Christmas holidays I (Vèna) had Covid, so I had to slow down a bit </3
But now I'm better and we can move forward <3

Anyway, we wanted to thank you for all the support you have given us again this year! <3 <3 We remind you that, if Mismatch can continue, it is only thanks to you Patrons <3 <3  
We love you <3 



Sarah Hall

"If you cannot love me & see my greatness, I'll take your own greatness away from you." Is that what he is saying? All this because he felt picked on?!

Vida Talab

Can’t wait to see how Abraham justifies his authoritarian leadership and takeover.

Marko D. Cabcoon

Seriously is sounding like it. Can't wait to see how he "justifies" this behavior but praying Desy can help Wil escape being a tool for this jerk.