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Hi  sweeties! <3
Do you remember Zargis, my Tiefling Rogue in the D&D campaign I'm doing together with Xelessia and other friends?
Well, let me tell you a little more about him~

In the world created by our DM, Tiefling society is extremely matriarchal. Within families, males are born with the only role of being slaves of their sisters (often, especially in the most noble families, if the first born are males they are killed), who have full control over their lives.

And Zargis? Well...Zargis is the Queen's (Asteri) twin brother. Although he is actually the Prince, his life has not been better than the others, indeed in some ways it was even harder.
Since he was a child he has always been instructed to protect Astéri at the cost of his life and to serve her. She, on the other hand, enjoyed inflicting really cruel tortures on her brother so much that, to inflict new ones on him, she healed his wounds every time. The iron maiden in this illustration is both symbolism and well....no. </3
Astéri has always felt an unhealthy love towards Zargis, while he on the other hand could only hate her with all of himself.
Incited and helped by his only and best friend, Zargis managed to escape from Ifaisteio (Tiefling's land) after 35 years of imprisonment alongside his sister.
His adventure begins at that moment~ ;)

I hope you may still appreciate these illustrations on our other OCs unrelated to Mismatch~<3 >w<
I'm really proud of this one... çwç



Becca Daywalker

Auch a dark backstory oo I love how much thought is put into your campaign :D I can’t wait to read more ^^


That’s such an interesting idea! Can’t wait to hear more!

mismatchcomic (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 04:17:55 Thank you! I'm really glad to hear that! çwç &lt;3
2023-05-23 12:02:02 Thank you! I'm really glad to hear that! çwç <3

Thank you! I'm really glad to hear that! çwç <3

mismatchcomic (edited)

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2023-07-01 04:17:55 Awww I'm really glad about that! I love to share our ocs stories and I'm happy you like it! &lt;3 &lt;3
2023-05-23 12:04:44 Awww I'm really glad about that! I love to share our ocs stories and I'm happy you like it! <3 <3

Awww I'm really glad about that! I love to share our ocs stories and I'm happy you like it! <3 <3

Marko D. Cabcoon

The symbolism and very real danger that this art piece displays. Poor Zargis though. That's a hellish life 😰 Hoping he can gain a better life through his adventures. I definitely would love to see how you draw up your other campaign characters :)


LOVE the backstory and the illustration 🙌🙌🙌

Ang-aki (edited)

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2023-07-01 04:17:40 Credo di starmi affezionando a Zargis &lt;3, anche se di sicuro devo sapere più cose di lui! (ma penso che quest'ultimo sarebbe diffidente con me)
2023-05-23 18:40:23 Credo di starmi affezionando a Zargis <3, anche se di sicuro devo sapere più cose di lui! (ma penso che quest'ultimo sarebbe diffidente con me)

Credo di starmi affezionando a Zargis <3, anche se di sicuro devo sapere più cose di lui! (ma penso che quest'ultimo sarebbe diffidente con me)

mismatchcomic (edited)

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2023-07-01 04:17:54 Awww thanks! çwç &lt;3 My hope is that the character evolves to the point where he returns to his land and burns Astèri (his sister) and her kingdom to create a better one. But we'll see! &gt;w&lt; I'll keep you update! XD
2023-05-24 09:55:28 Awww thanks! çwç <3 My hope is that the character evolves to the point where he returns to his land and burns Astèri (his sister) and her kingdom to create a better one. But we'll see! >w< I'll keep you update! XD

Awww thanks! çwç <3 My hope is that the character evolves to the point where he returns to his land and burns Astèri (his sister) and her kingdom to create a better one. But we'll see! >w< I'll keep you update! XD

mismatchcomic (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 04:17:43 Ahahahaha XDD Hai intuito bene...purtroppo visto la vita che ha vissuto non apprezza particolarmente il genere femmile XD Sono contenta che vi piaccia comunque çwç &lt;3
2023-05-24 09:56:55 Ahahahaha XDD Hai intuito bene...purtroppo visto la vita che ha vissuto non apprezza particolarmente il genere femmile XD Sono contenta che vi piaccia comunque çwç <3

Ahahahaha XDD Hai intuito bene...purtroppo visto la vita che ha vissuto non apprezza particolarmente il genere femmile XD Sono contenta che vi piaccia comunque çwç <3

Marko D. Cabcoon

Omg I will so be excited to get updates on this alongside your comics. You guys always have such amazing characters and stories! 💚

Dairuga ♡

OMG!!! The story is so good!! Now I want to know more! I also want to know how he managed to escape and who is his best friend? The illustration is also beautiful! I love the contrast between orange and blue, and the fiery particles give it the perfect effect! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚♡