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"It's not that because you didn't see me, I wasn't there~" - Gabriel

These are some of the photos Gabriel took of Duncan, when he was still human. Duncan worked in his sire's (Stephen) hotel for fifteen years before Stephen made him a vampire, but Gabriel was there long before him~
The vampires of Stephen and Duncan's clan (Lasombra) cannot be reflected in a mirror, and do not appear in photos or cameras, so Gabriel decided to take photos of Duncan before he received the Embrace from Stephen.
In reality he jealously guards all the photos for himself and, even when he left betraying them, Gabriel took them all away with him.

He's a cute little stalker. <3

Hope you'll like them! ^w^
Meanwhile we're working on Mismatch's next strip <3




Carini ❤️


Ahah credo che Duncan sia un po' arrabbiato però ❤️