Feeback on Dd comic wanted (Patreon)
2015-04-02 14:42:27
So, how could I make the comic better?
I wanted to use Patreon to fund the comic, but so far it's not going any good, but maybe once chapter 1 is done it'll get better? I dunno.
But what I do know is that I want your feedback in how I can make the comic better.
So first things that I know I want to make better next chapter.
1. Color, yes, I want to add color to the chapter, question is if I should do each page, or lineart the full chapter and then color.
2. Change size of pages from a4, yes, boring size, I need a wider format so I can fit things better.
3. More pages per chapter.
4. More variation.
That's what I got so far, how do you think the comic can improve?
What would make you buy it or become my patron to get it early?