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Update 16:00 1/11/23: Mega are being extremely slow and unresponsive, so I've nothing to update currently other than that they are apparently still looking into it.


Update 14:00 31/10/23: It seems someone thought it'd be funny to report my content as being illegal, and Mega's response was to immediately delete it without in any way notifying me about what was deleted, which is why it is currently not able to be downloaded. They have given me the option to appeal, which of course I did, and it is currently being escalated "with a view to having a resolution for you as soon as possible".


It seems that the files in some folders are not currently able to be downloaded from Mega, I have contacted their support to ask what is wrong. I am not sure exactly which folders are affected but it appears to at least be both the October folders and the September 2K folder. But it may be affecting other ones as well. I will try to get this resolved as soon as possible so you can all download files once more. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience while this issue is resolved.


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