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Download links for June have been sent out to all active patreons by message, if you didn't get yours for some reason send me a message and I will get that sorted out for you!

Well, this is quite a change, the main version of this new video is actually pretty SFW, without the usual kinds of camera angles you may know me for. I was hit with some inspiration for making a video around this catchy song and so I decided to go with it even though the style is a bit outside the norm of what I usually do. I'll be back to the usual stuff next time, but for this time, let's all welcome the cute Hu Tao for this new video!

I just felt like she was so perfect for this song so I couldn't help but make this one. Upon checking, I discovered there are many different dance motions made for this song (5+), and after investigating them, I decided to combine the 3 ones I really liked into a single video like this. As a result, since I only animated the appropriate parts of each motion for the final combined video, there's not any alternative outfit versions this time around, just the one main video release.

That being said I think it's a good main release, I was really able to nail the visuals to look like I imagined and I'm very happy with the end result.

For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" that pops up when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again. If you are on PC, you should be able to check the welcome note by clicking on the "Membership" tab on my patreon page.




Very happy to see Hu Tao here ^^ she's so cute! I half expected her to have the usual busty proportions I've grown to know and love from your work but was also partially relieved she retained that petite body :D