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Download links for March have been sent out now! If you didn't receive a message from me with the links, you can check the "Membership" tab where it should be visible, or you can message me for the link.

We're back now with a relatively straightforward video featuring Ariake. I chose to do a lower effort video this time as I've been working on adding a new outfit to one of my models, and this is kind of filler while I get that working. This being filler doesn't mean I slacked of course and I did my best to make it as good as possible, with many different outfit choices available to download! Including both normal and iwara versions, I think there's 11 versions to pick from. They are currently still uploading, but should be done in an hour or two.

As for which model is getting a new outfit... I think I want to keep it a surprise for now still, but I promise it's cute! Even though getting its physics to work nicely and have no clipping is being a bit of a pain in the ass.

In other news, my youtube account was banned today. I had no warning strikes, it went from fine to deleted with no chance for me to do anything. Feeling rather depressed about that currently and my motivation to work on MMD is pretty low right now, so maybe the next video will be a bit delayed while I figure out what to do and recover. I always knew it was a possibility to happen, even though I did try to remain within youtube's guidelines, so it's not like I'm completely shocked, but I still am sad to have lost it.

For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" that pops up when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again. If you are on PC, you should be able to check the welcome note by clicking on the "Membership" tab on my patreon page.




The march HD (1080P) folder link is the same as the 2k folder link. (both links are the same? :O )