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Download links for February have been sent out to all active patreons now. If you didn't receive a message with yours let me know!

Here we have Koyori's return with a short video of the song Bop Bop. I wanted to do a shorter one since the last release was on 31st January and I didn't want it to be too late into February before I got something out... so of course I then went and made a total of 10 different versions of this video because something's wrong with me. They're currently uploading now, but there is the standard "regular" and "iwara" releases, and then 5 sfw outfit variations and 3 nsfw variations too. So you can enjoy koyori however you prefer!

Next video will probably not have many variations, not sure yet what it'll be, but I at least know which model I intend to use..

For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" that pops up when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again.



@_@ Thompson

Koyori !!!!!!! omg~!!!!>_<


So something's wrong with you? I realy like this attitude. And I realy like the new release. I kind of accidentally came across this channel, and it merely was an impulsive act to get here because I wanted to see Negev in full bikini. So far the qualitity of content however was an exciting suprise. So count me in for some time.


yeah when you try to do something simple and fast and end up making 10 videos something is wrong haha. but thank you, glad you're enjoying the content!