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Warning, the new video contains some flashing lights. I don't think it's very severe, but just mentioning it just in case!

Whew, this sure made me question my reasoning. Let's run through how it went, 

1) let's decide what model to use, oh this Koyori model is cute, maybe it'll be quick to edit and get ready to use!

2) well that took a few days more than expected, I'd better make a simple video to catch up on schedule. 

3) Hmm I want to use this live concert stage, and have the stage lights somewhat synced to the music.. that surely won't take long right?

4) Well that was a bit slow but I figured out a good way to do it for the future.. hmm, this stage doesn't really suit some of her outfits, maybe I should make 3 simple videos for each outfit instead!

5) Somehow I ended up making 3 standalone videos that are good enough to be released individually.. welp, time to figure out how to edit them together into one video in a cool way. Oh there's a bit of clipping here, time to re-render that video. Oh there's another error, time to re-render, oh  there's.. oh ... oh....

And thus this video took forever to make, hurray! Well the end result is pretty good I'd say, so hopefully it was worth it. A bit surprised I ended up putting in this much effort into a video for Koyori, I've never even watched any of her streams, but it is quite a cute model. I guess I really like pink hair girls huh.

Well enough rambling from me, you can find the new video, as well as the 4 full component videos used to make it, in the standard monthly download folders when my internet finishes uploading them. Have fun!


For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" you received when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again.



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