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Hi guys long time no see. We're back with a new release today and this time there are *seven* versions for you to enjoy. Let's talk about why!

So for context, they are all the same song and Light Cruiser Demon as the model, but they're all different enough that you can pick your favourite version.

This song is a pretty important one to me, as it was one of the earliest MMDs I saw and a big part of what made me come to love the medium. The MMD in question was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB8vIjdLZGg Look at that, it's Light Cruiser Demon! I really liked that video a lot, and I didn't want to do a Raspberry Monster video myself until I felt I could do a decent enough job of it that did it justice. So I figured it was about time I gave it a shot since I probably am skilled enough now to do at least as good a video as that old one. Well, hopefully you guys think the final result is good and does it justice :)

And of course, once I decided to work on this a ton of external things went wrong (busy irl suddenly, my computer had some technical problems that are tentatively fixed now...) so it's been a long time to get this out.

So why are there 7 versions? Well, I decided to challenge myself a bit and work on post processing transition effects, so the normally titled release of the song is a very heavily edited version that combines 5 base versions into a single video. Maybe I went too hard with the transitions, but I think it's pretty fun. So the 5 base versions, each one costume for light cruiser, are 5 of the videos. These are the videos with the suffixes: Bikini, China, Default, Jack and Maid.

There is also a version with the "Basic" suffix and this video is what the video would have been like if I just did it the normal way without lots of post processing. So just in case I did go too far with the main release, there's this more comfortable backup.

Given how much additional time the post-processing editing added to the whole process, it is unlikely I do things like this regularly, but I might try to at least do smaller scale transitioning a bit more fancy in future if I have time.

Enjoy the video, and if you like (or dislike) the fancy version let me know since I need feedback to know if this experiment was a success or not!

-- Since 7 versions is a lot, some of the 2K versions are still uploading, they should finish.. eventually..

For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" you received when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again.




It must have taken a lot of time to record.


I'm heavily biased since I love your Light Cruiser Demon model, but I really enjoyed the fancy version. It was great to see all her outfits in one dance, and changing it constantly was exciting. The only other model I'd enjoy a video like this of so much would be Dracula, but I thought this one was great!

Summer Tilling

Well, it looks awesome! And it's great having all the different versions. I agree that it would be nice to give Dracula a similar treatment sometime.


yeah I'm seeing that Ariake and Dracula versions are in demand too, I will probably do them eventually (but not immediately).