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Whew, been a long time guys, sorry for the delay! After spending a bit too long working on the Negev video, I ended up deciding to use this Ariake model for the next dance video, but it had no R-18 parts so I had to spend time adding them and editing her model a lot. I'm quite happy with the end result though, she's really hot.

And so here at last we have a new video, featuring Ariake as well as 2 backup dancer Megmirias somehow. Are they sisters? Are they clones? Are they androids? Who knows, whatever they are they're here.

I had a lot of fun making this one, so hopefully you'll all enjoy it too! There's also a static camera version available this time around.

For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" you received when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again.



Summer Tilling

"This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them." Thanks for all versions. It's so good. Ariake's chest is spectacular.