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Hi Guys,

Just wanted to let you know my situation. When I was almost better from the flu, I managed to get a bacterial lung infection and so once again I'm not really fit to be doing anything. As such, I think it's unlikely I'll be able to work on anything again for the next few days. I apologise for all these delays to my normal release schedule, I am trying my best to get things back to normal as soon as I can.




Bill Kulpa

It's cool, don't worry about it. Your health is the most important thing. Besides, you've done a lot of good work so you deserve the healing time.


Just rest, do not any unreasonable thing, please ;(


Don't worry, I'm taking it easy and resting. I just wish I could do things and be distracted, instead of thinking about how I can't breath naturally due to the infection >< But the medication I got is working, just a matter of waiting some more days to get it all out of my system..


Take care of yourself