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Hi everyone, a new video of Negev has been uploaded to the April folders now! Originally I had been working on a different video, but it was taking a long time and not going to be ready for quite a while more, so I decided to make a simpler video as a "filler" for now. I'll probably do another longer video with Negev in the near future.

Not really much to say for this, everyone probably knows Bass Knight by now, but I still like it and so Negev's turn at it finally came around! Or something, lol! Next time, I should hopefully have fully finished that other video I've been working on.

For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" that pops up when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again. You should be able to check the welcome note by clicking on the "Membership" tab on my patreon page, which can be accessed directly here: https://www.patreon.com/willowywicca/membership




Would love to see Yoimiya next 😍