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My dear patrons!🍑

I have a new benefit for my most loyal supporters!💘

These are exclusive and hypnotic text stories.

I don't know yet whether these will be connected or different stories, probably both.🤗

ℹ️To get you excited, here's the first part, for all my Patrons!

It's been three days since you found that strange letter in your mailbox. Completely without a sender, it really caught your attention. The letter says nothing more than a time and date.

Can this really be?

How is she supposed to know your address? Oddly enough, when you hold this letter in your hands, you think of a very special person. This person is none other than your goddess Mia. You have been following her hypnosis videos on YouTube for quite some time now and you have even decided to join her Patreon.

You texted her a few times and every single word she says makes you so docile. You can't even tell if it's her nature or is due to the hypnosis. Nevertheless, you are now holding this letter in your hands. Friday. 19 o'clock. In the park. Part of you is a little scared because this letter could also be about something that will harm you. What if you get mugged?

Yet you have a subconscious feeling that you should appear there. And besides, you're far too curious to just ignore the letter anyway. Just the thought of meeting your mistress fills you with sincere subservience, but it also seems so abstract to you because she could live infinitely far away.

Friday, 6:30 p.m. You are slowly getting ready to appear at the location mentioned in the letter. You set off with a slightly uneasy feeling: There is only one park in your city that could be meant. You're waiting there for what feels like eternity because you're there way too early. An inviting park bench is nearby and you decide to take a seat.

It is now 7:20 p.m. and still nothing has happened. You've gotten a little tired by now, you've had a long day at work after all. The first thoughts come to you that someone has probably made a joke. You rest your eyes for a moment, but suddenly:

"DOWN". Sink for me.

This soft female voice whispers these almost magical words directly into your ear. You instantly know it: It is your mistress Mia. Actually you want to turn to her, but everything just gets dark.

You gently open your eyes and behold:

That you are in your own room, laying down in your bed. You're a bit confused, wondering what happened. Haven't you been to the park? Was it all a dream? It felt so real! As always, after waking up, you check your phone: 10 a.m. You don't think about it any further. You open your Whatsapp, an unread message. Strange, a two second voice message? From a number with no profile picture, you didn't even have that person as a contact.

You're still way too sleepy to worry about it, you just play the audio. Suddenly you hear that dominant and hypnotic voice again: "Don't forget tonight." Of course my mistress. I remember... nothing? What is happening right now? Now you are very confused, but decide to start your day first.

Throughout the day you can't get your mind off these very strange happenings. At exactly 8 p.m. you find yourself in front of someone else's front door with the largest bouquet of flowers the store had to offer. You've never been to this area of town before. What am I even doing here? You don't even know why you're here. However, a small voice in your head told you exactly what to do. Of course you have already thought that it could be hypnosis, but you quickly dismissed this thought. It's not that easy.

An about 1.65m (5'4) tall blonde girl opens the door and you stare into her deep blue, hypnotic eyes. You're speechless: Such a presence, from such a small and inconspicuous girl. She takes the flowers from you and just says "I'm glad you came."

A quick look into her eyes was enough and you are already in a kind of trance. You follow her into her apartment. She walks in front of you and you follow her mindlessly. You take off your shoes and put them next to hers. She has a lot of shoes: sneakers, boots, slippers, heels and so on. When you arrive in the living room she turns around and she looks up at you.

Even though you're taller than her, you feel so small when you are next to her. You take a closer look at her now. She wears white sneaker socks, fishnet tights, sporty shorts and a white t-shirt. You now look a little further up and your eyes meet. "I can imagine how confused you must be right now." she says in her seductive voice, and she's right about that. How did this all happen? Was that really with the power of hypnosis?

"I was going through my patrons list and by accident I saw that you live very close to me! I wanted to ignore it at first, but I've wanted to do something like this for a very long time. I love hypnotizing people over the internet and to seduce, but in reality it's a whole different kick. I put the letter in your mailbox knowing that you would be too curious not to come to the park."

"Sit down here." She points to a chair and you can't resist her dominating voice.

She sits down across from you and continues as you stare deep into her irresistible eyes: "I was pleased to see that the triggers I planted in you online worked in real life too. Within seconds you were all mine. It was easy for me to make you forget everything and plant the thought in your head of appearing here today. The flowers weren't even my idea but it shows me that your subconscious is giving in to me too."

She starts to smile and suddenly you feel something under the table: She puts her socked feet directly on your lap. "That feels good." This arouses you directly, but there is something different: you don't get hard/wet! You look at her a little surprised. "Oh, I know what you're thinking." she says and giggles a little. "Without my permission you will no longer be able to be aroused". This comes as a bit of a shock to you, but it's also an extremely hot thought.

She signals you with a simple gesture to get up - you obey immediately. She takes your hand and gently pulls you behind her towards another room. "Follow me. If you dare."

End of part 1. To be continued...

Now, when you're excited for more, make sure you have at least the Collared pet tier (or higher of course)!🐈‍⬛

The next text story will go online in a few days, be ready!🦋

Thank you for all the support,




Wow, this is so hot Goddess Mia

Paul Hubbard

Mistress Mia, this is a great start of a story. You are an amazing writer!