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Objective: The objective of this game is to test your mental focus and resistance while enjoying a playful, femdom-themed experience.


  • A deck of playing cards

  • Your favorite alcoholic beverage

  • A shot glass for each player


  • Each player takes a shot glass and fills it with their chosen beverage.

  • Designate one person as the "Hypnotist" and the others as the "Subjects."

  • The Hypnotist will be responsible for leading the game and reading the card challenges.


  • The Hypnotist draws a card from the deck and reads the challenge aloud.

  • The Subjects must attempt to complete the challenge while focusing on the Hypnotist's voice and instructions.

  • If a Subject successfully completes the challenge, they do not have to drink. If they fail, they must take a shot.

  • The game continues with the Hypnotist drawing a new card and reading a new challenge for each round.

  • The game ends when all players agree to stop or when the deck of cards is exhausted.

Challenge Examples:

  • Stare into the Hypnotist's eyes for 30 seconds without blinking.

  • Recite the alphabet backward while maintaining eye contact with the Hypnotist.

  • Stand on one foot and touch your nose with your eyes closed.

  • Name five items in the room without looking away from the Hypnotist.

  • Hold your breath for as long as you can while maintaining eye contact with the Hypnotist.

  • Perform a sensual lap dance for the Hypnotist while maintaining eye contact.

  • Recite a sexy poem or a short erotic story while maintaining eye contact with the Hypnotist.

  • Stand on one leg and touch your nose with your eyes closed while the Hypnotist counts to 20, then switch legs and repeat.

  • Name five items in the room without looking away from the Hypnotist, and then name five items in the room while maintaining eye contact.

  • Hold your breath for as long as you can while maintaining eye contact with the Hypnotist.

  • Balance a shot glass on the back of your hand for 30 seconds without dropping it.

  • Recite a nursery rhyme or a short poem while maintaining eye contact with the Hypnotist.

  • Stand on one leg and touch your nose with your eyes closed, then switch legs and repeat.

  • Name five items in the room while maintaining eye contact, and then name five items in the room without looking away from the Hypnotist.

  • Hold your breath for as long as you can while the Hypnotist counts to 30.

  • Recite the alphabet forward while maintaining eye contact with the Hypnotist.

  • Stand on one leg and touch your nose with your eyes closed while the Hypnotist counts to 20.

The subject who took the most shots sleeps with the "Hypnotist" in the same room that night.

Remember to drink responsibly and have a designated driver or alternative transportation if needed. Enjoy the game and have fun exploring the world of femdom and hypnosis in a playful and safe manner!




Omg I want to play this. But I have noone who would join🥺

Demo Neige

Will spielen...