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You never had many friends, and certainly no female ones. You are a completely normal teenager, just 18 years old for a few weeks and just finishing school. Everything changed on that one Friday when Jessica, one of the prettiest girls in your class, asked you if you wanted to come to her birthday party at the weekend.

How could you ever say no to such an offer? You agreed gratefully and spent all your pocket money on a present for her. Since you know nothing about women, you just got a little bit of everything. Nail polish here, makeup there and a new pair of sneakers for her.

When the day finally arrived, you found yourself the only boy among the three prettiest girls you could have ever imagined. Each one prettier than the last, you can't even remember how many times you've touched yourself to each of them. You pervert!

The evening passes, Jessica is really happy about your presents and as time goes on you get drunker and drunker. Then it happened as it had to happen, as the only boy at a sleepover birthday party where there are only girls: you sleep alone on the sofa and the three girls in the bed.

All night long you dream about the three girls and how they would treat you if they knew what a pervert you are. A few times you wake up super aroused, but you fall back asleep relatively quickly.

The next day you set off for home, with a few gaps in your memory of the previous evening. What exactly happened? Did you just imagine it or did the girls really listen to strange music with vibrations and mantras to help them fall asleep? Just thinking about the three of them and especially Jessica makes it very difficult not to get hard.

It is like a curse. A few days go by and you notice that any 18+ movies don't get you hard anymore. But as soon as you think about Jessica or one of her friends, it happens instantly. And you can't stop touching yourself.

Suddenly, your phone vibrates: a message from Jessica. She asks you if you want to come to the beach with her and her friends. Of course you agree to the offer.

When you get to the beach, you see that the girls are even more lightly dressed than they were at the sleepover party. You really have to concentrate so that the girls don't notice how much you like it.

When you arrive at the beach, Jessica looks at you seriously and tells you that you will have to pay a price to be allowed to spend time with them. At first you are not even sure if you heard correctly, but her friends also look at you seriously. As if in a trance, you just say that you will do whatever they want.

You spend the rest of the day smearing sunscreen on the three girls. And you do this on every part of their bodies that you can imagine. You can't say no to the girls' foot massages or two either. All of this just makes you melt even more for them.

You can't say for sure whether the girls touched your private parts by accident or on purpose. But no matter what their intentions were: at the end of the day, you are so weak for the three of them that you would do anything for them. Really anything.

Do you guys want a part two…?



Paul Hubbard

Yes please, Mistress Mia. A part two would be awesome 👌


Mistress please give us a part 2. 🙏