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Like I've mentioned, the rewards for December will be sent out the first week of January, so you don't have to pledge by then if you don't want to since January is another cycle too!

Like always those that are senior will get the full pack of 4 with the senior link that is sent to your messages here.

Now those that aren't seniors please read!

If you are not a senior then you have to let me know on DMs which of the 4 pics of the month do you want to choose.

Freshmen 1
Sophomores 2
Juniors 3

I gotta know which ones of the 4 you'd like so I can send the links to y'all ! So message me here or Discord so I can jot it down for when I start sending them.

Remember that the rewards are:

Ninetales X Arcanine
Elias Ainsworth
Arataki Itto


Hope you have a wonderful new year and let's hope this next one will be lit aS FoCk.


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