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(I sent out the senior link for October, remember that the Derek pic will be added soon so if you see the empty folder don't worry)

I decided to pause the payments for November to take a small break to finish all the stuff that I have to. As well as start planning what I'll do for December and next year.


I'm planning to change it up a bit as I want to start doing the rewards before the month starts so that I can send out rewards the first week instead of at the end of the month, that way you dont have to wait all month and everyone will be able to readily see what is being offered for the month.


I'm thinking of starting like this in January and for December I'll be doing other random hoes etc until then.

Anyways just a quick announcement if y'all wanted to know.


I'm still new at the whole patreon thing so I'm still trying out different stuff, but yea thanks so much for joining me these months.

I can't believe how many smexy hunks we've created 💖😤🥰



I like the idea of switching it up so that I can gauge earlier in the month which tier I wanna be for that month's rewards. It's taking a bit of effort to try and stay on top of the previews and stuff as I don't wanna miss out on any that speak to me. Anyway, I hope the month off is good to you! We'll surely miss your work. But look forward to your return!


Thanks bb yea mainly first thought of that about having all the stuff done so that everyone can see whats up in the month. Still gotta plan stuff up but yeeeee. I'll still be making one or two pics in November as well as December so we'll see.