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Happy New Year everyone! I hope you are all being safe out there. 2020 was a very chaotic year. I want to say a special thank you for all your support. Im excited to make more content for you, especially stuff like stickers and postcards! 

Here are some faces that Ive scribbled. Some are from refd from pictures and some are not. For someone who has a very simplistic style when it comes to faces, I often struggle with them. I find myself being obsessed with getting characters to show emotion the way I want them to, I often get lost in a formula that doesn’t allow me to navigate more diverse features, so this year Ive made it a goal to work on that! Very excited to learn more. 

Also, a quick personal update: Ive been rather sick the past few days and received a positive test result for Covid 19. No worries though! I’m a very fortunate healthy lad and I wont be needing a hospital or anything of the sort. Ive just been quarantined at home, laying around like a zombie. I have almost completed all Kickstarter commissions! Ive got about three left, so I will be contacting people today to let them know they are underway.

I wanted to say a special thank you to those who supported my art book this past year. It was a big project for me and It feels good to have people believe in it. I’m excited to make more comic/character content for you guys, but for now, i must nap! wear a mask, and stay safe out there! 

Here’s to a new year! Happy 2021!  




Get well soon! ❤

Aimee Dan

Oh no I hope you feel better soon!