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Here is a quick process of a pic of Theo! its a re-do of an old pic i drew back in 2017. 

I’m aware that my style is more on the cartoony side and I am not really the ‘painterly‘ type of artist (tho I wish I was.) But despite my skill set in some areas my end goal is always to make the characters look as if they are ALIVE. I think that’s why most of my inspiration draws more from animation then anything else. I’m constantly trying to get my characters to look like they really have a voice, or thoughts behind their simple cartoon eyes. Its one of the reasons why I am CONSTANTLY editing the face more then anything else. 

I still have lots of learn and improve upon! I hope you enjoy this little process gif! 

Thank you so much for your support this month! Stay classy and creative my friends! 




Can you talk a little bit about how you get from the second to last to the last picture? Like you add a grain but it also looks different, and somehow more "final" but I'm not sure if it's rendering or if you're doing something else to make it look so ...I don't even know! But I love the look and I'm wondering what you do because I struggle with making my drawings have a finished look


Theo looks more alive than most people on the bus on my morning commute.


I edited the face a little more by simplifying his mouth and adding a few highlights and adjusted the ‘color balance’ to give it that warmer tone. I also cropped in a little closer to add to that ‘wide screen cinematic feel’ I should have gone into more detail in the gif. I apologize and I hope this helps a little!!