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Alright, so I know that there are a lot more marvel characters than I added to this poll, I just threw in some of the ones that I felt were more mainstream. So if one of your favorite marvel gals isn't here, let me know in the comments and I'll add her to the poll.

Also, you can vote multiple times, so pick as many as you'd like to see - the runners up from the collected polls will be revisited in later polls, so if you like more than one, make sure to vote!



If we're just including superheroines and not, like, MJ, could we add Spider-Gwen? Also, for Captain Marvel, is her ol' Miss Marvel costume an option if she gets picked?


yeah, so for this poll, I'm going to exclude Spider Gwen because I've already done an inflation piece of her in the past, but she might show up in later polls. I'll add MJ though - I just completely forgot about her for some reason - and if Cpt Marvel is picked, I will absolutely use her old costume design!