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Okay. Wow. That was.. a lot closer than I was expecting! Here are the final results:

A zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - 16

B zzzzzzzzz - 9

C zzzzzz - 6

D zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - 15

E zzzzzz - 6

Half/undecided votes:

A zzzz - 4

B z - 1

C - 0

D zzzz - 4

E z - 1

So, as we can see, option A, or the Oliver & Company birthday thing comic, got 1 extra voteandtied with 2nd place on half votes. Whew. But the month is zooming by and I need to decide now what I'm gonna do, so I am closing the votes. Apologies for the messy results, a patron gave me a great idea for an easier way to count votes, and I'll definitely be using it from now on.

Regardless, Oliver & Company is the winner, and the next few comic pages will go to them. Not sure how many, and I'm not sure if I'll just line over what I've already done or redraw them to make more sense as comic pages. We'll see. One thing I do know is I need to go grab an HD copy of the movie!

So, congrats to the people that voted A, and I apologize if girls and dogs and submission aren't your things. There'll still be plenty of other stuff happening - this isn't even the only comic I'm starting next month, so yeah, lots of stuff on the way. I'm also about to make another post regarding something nice I'm gonna do for you guys, so keep an eye out for that.


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