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> https://goo.gl/forms/FU3egc4gU4ALVCzV2

Iiiit's the start of yet another month! They just keep coming.

Last month's sketchpack had between 30 and 40 sketches, almost all of them ideas from you guys! So let's keep that going.

This month I'm sketching September-themed ideas. Well, they don't have to be September-themed, feel free to suggest whatever you want, but if you do wanna make them September-themed, here're some prompts:

Better Breakfast Month

National Yoga Month

Labour Day

Beef Lover's Day

Salami Day

Cream Filled Donut Day (????)

National Hispanic Heritage Month (the first half, anyway)

American Business Women's Day

World Tourism Day

And here's the link:


Remember, one suggestion per response, but make as many responses as you want!


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