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Speaking of monthly stuff, here's this months sketch suggestions link:


As for themes:

LGBT Month - Pretty self explanatory.

Great Outdoors Month - Lets get back to nature.

National Smile Month - I have a thing for porn with fake smiles. I still love that Mrs Thinsters set that I totally didn't do, with her big fake plastic smile. Be strong for mother, Clarence.

National Donut Day (June 2nd) - Donuts!

Children's Day (June 4th) - If Patreon allowed strikethrough, I'd be using it here.

Take Your Dog To Work Day (June 23rd) - :O!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure there are others, but I don't wanna overload you guys. Also, feel free to ignore the themes and just go with your own ideas.

Also, if you need ideas yourselves as far as shows/characters go, I maintain a list of my fave characters to draw - it can be found here.


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