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can you believe St. Patrick's Day completely flew over my head? i forgot about it completely hahah

im sure you can guess, but March is a busy month for me. several birthdays and a wedding to boot. this weekend is no different o: so the complete version of this Fiona art will be posted on Monday including the scat version lol
you March babies drive me crazy

thank you to the patron that suggested her for St Patricks day. shes perfect! couldnt ask for any character more green and ginger than her hahaha :D

In other news, the coloring assistant I gave a 2nd chance to failed my 2 progress checks, so I sadly will be coloring the rest of the comic myself. I am not sure if I can make the March 30th deadline since I'll have to color the pages in addition to adding speech bubbles on top of the already scheduled commissions. I'll have Brandon help me of course, but it's gonna be a bit tough. The latest it will be posted is April 20th. Sorry about the delays! 




Dang! Fiona needs more appropriation she’s a Princess after all. 😈

Eminster 2000

Kinda want to see the human version ripping it, but this is good too