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So you guys may have noticed that I didn't post the first couple of pages for the corona virus mini comic yesterday (tuesday). It's cuz I realized the manuscript came out way longer than expected. I wanted this mini comic to be 5 pages not 15! Technically 12 since 3 pages are copy-pasted with edits, scat stains added, and expression changes to show the progression of time, etc.

Since the mini comic is so long, the pages will be cleaned up sketches with flat colors so that I can crank them out faster rather than the full blown full color polished comics i normally do. Don't worry, they'll be legible and clean sketches. C: I will be posting all 15 comic pages on April 16th. All in one go! Thank you for your patience and excitement for this comic!

Also don't try to zoom in and make sense of this manuscript thumbnail sketches. I removed the dialogue and the notes, so you wont be able to spoil it for yourself hahaha Don't you want to see how the story unfolds? Don't spoil it!
But yes, this is truly how I plan out my comics. I make these tiny little chicken scratch rough sketches lol i know they look like illegible blobs and tangles, but i understand them enough to turn them into full fledged pages as i go.

On a side note: Patreon has been acting really weird today. It will be a miracle if it even lets me post this rn. Regardless, the new April YCH poses will be revealed on April 3rd and YCH messages will be sent out the same day! :D




I wouldn't mind waiting longer for a full color comic!