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Chapter 30

Brooke was waiting for Lucas as he walked into the bedroom, although he seemed to have caught her in the middle of trying to strike a pose for him on the bed.  From a reclining position against the pillows, she had just shot her left leg straight up in the air, and was holding it like that, trying to steady her motion, with her bare toes pointed straight at the ceiling.  After a few seconds, her eyes switched from concentrating on her pose over to him, and her mouth opened slightly in surprised bashfulness, as if to say ‘Awww, you caught me!’

Even though Lucas had to chuckle to himself a little – from the silliness of Brooke hurriedly trying to get her awkward pose right – he couldn’t pretend, just because he had set her IQ way back to 81, that she wasn’t still knockout-hot.  Her face was at least an 8 or a 9…maybe more…and her thick curves looked as delicious as they had before.  Of course, Brooke was still “only” 5’5, but since Lucas was stuck at 4’0, she looked huge to him from every angle – when she was standing in front of him, the top of his head only came up to the underside of her boobs.  And…god…her boobs – Lucas stood there in the bedroom doorway, taking a moment to absorb the magnificence of the H-cups that were squished up in her arms as Brooke struggled with her pose.  They were just…well, they looked incredible, and it was difficult for Lucas not to constantly salivate over them, at work but especially here at home, where he had enshrined breastfeeding as one of their normal activities.  With her low IQ, he had managed to convince Brooke that this was “just what couples did,” and as a consequence, he got to suck on those glorious, creamy milk jugs every night.  It didn’t matter that she was a lot slower than him, and hilariously awkward to boot – with that body, and those incredible tits, Lucas felt totally satisfied.

Or…did he?

Memories of the 300-IQ Brooke were still buzzing around in his head.  That look in her eyes, that total, surpassing intelligence, hints of her goddess-like state before…all of this did more than make Lucas weak in the knees.  It reawakened in him a desire to see THAT Brooke again, the Brooke from the janitor’s closet, who had, for all intents and purposes, stolen his soul.  If Lucas was being honest with himself, that’s exactly what she had done, and when Brooke had dwindled back down into a “normal” person, she had left a gaping hole inside him, a hole which still ached to be filled.

‘But the only reason why Brooke was just at 300 I was because of ME,’ Lucas thought to himself as he watched Brooke stick her tongue out of the side of her mouth, in an attempt to be sexy.  She succeeded, but not because of her efforts; she just was sexy, without even trying.

‘And it’s the same reason why she’s at 81 IQ now,’ he continued to himself.  Behind his back, he held the smooth device in his hand, the source of all his power.  To everyone else, it simply looked like a smartphone, but Lucas knew what wondrous and powerful technology it really was.  He was so horny so often that he had never really stopped to ponder HOW this technology had come into being, although he knew, somewhere deep inside himself, that the former “genius” Brooke had had a lot to do with it…maybe everything to do with it.

But he didn’t want to think about all that stuff right now.  He had just had a bit of a slip-up, yes…he had let things get a little out of control.  But no matter; he was in total control now.  That was the important thing.  And what better way to enjoy this control than with another lovemaking session with her?  She certainly seemed eager for Round 2.  And even though she had recently just given him one of the sloppiest, most head-busting blowjobs of his life, just seeing her big, thick body lying there naked in the bed, eager to serve him, made Lucas hard all over again.

“Ohhh, that’s a nice pose,” he chuckled at her, advancing towards the bed as he kept the device behind his back (for some reason he had a tendency to do this, even when he had no reason to hide it).  When he reached the side of the bed, he put the device carefully down on the nightstand and faced her, a smile spreading across his face.  “Have you been practicing your stretches?”

“Not really!” giggled Brooke, coming out of her pose and sitting up on her knees, bouncing slightly up and down on the bed so that her H-cups jiggled alluringly.  “I’m just naturally flexible like that, I think.”  She suddenly reached out and pulled Lucas onto the bed with her, and she was so big and strong compared to him that he couldn’t counter her.  Once on the bed, she took his leg and started pulling it up in a stretch.  Sometimes they played around like this, and Brooke would always tease him about how inflexible he was.

“Ow ow ow, woooah there!” Lucas called out, feeling immediate tension in his hamstring.  “That’s enough, Brooke – I get it.  You’re more flexible than me.”

“Hahaha at least I’m naturally better than you at something,” Brooke laughed, letting him go as she bounded back on the bed, so that she was up in a sitting position against the headboard.  “You’ve got the brains and the uh…I can’t think of words right now, haha, but you get it.  You’ve got the brains, and I’ve –”

She pulled her leg up again, her thigh nearly touching her cheek as her toes pointed at the ceiling once again.

“Got the body.”

Lucas couldn’t help but stare again.  Had she always been that flexible?  Even before the nanobots?  Somehow he doubted it – perhaps the flexibility was one of the positive after-effects that had remained, even after her system had been totally flushed of the bots themselves.  The clearer skin, the enhanced body proportions, the fact that she didn’t need glasses anymore…all of these were just a few of the sight changes that were permanent relics of the bots’ presence in her body.  Perhaps increased flexibility was just another one of those changes…

“Yes, you…certainly do,” observed Lucas.

“But somehow I beat you in Scrabble tonight,” continued Brooke, sitting up even straighter and sticking out her breasts proudly.  “So you better watch out – or else I’m gonna have the brains AND the breasts!”

“Brains…breasts…” muttered Lucas, his eyes getting lost in Brooke’s H-cups.  There was, of course, an intense irony to everything Brooke was saying, but over the past couple weeks, Lucas had gotten accustomed to near-permanent irony, so it didn’t register with him too much.  Instead, his mind was on other things – those glorious breasts, of course, but also…his eyes traveled slowly over to the nightstand.  The device was sitting there, its screen an inviting shade of calm, light purple.

‘I could always just…play around with it a little more,’ he thought.  ‘You know…?  Make her tits even bigger…maybe give her back a little IQ?  Just…mess around a little bit…’

“Aww come here you…you little guy!” Brooke growled, springing out from her sitting position and seizing Lucas by the forearms.  He felt her hands go all the way around his arms as she effortlessly wrestled him around on the bed, so that he was now the one lying down against the headboard pillows.  He made a motion to get up, since he wanted to spar a little more with her for fun, but she put a comparatively-huge hand on his chest and forced him back down into the pillows, keeping him pinned there with one hand.

“Oh no,” she hummed at him, biting her lower lip, “You’re not going anywhere.  You’re going to lie there and I’m going to…suck you.”

Brooke ran her hands down Lucas’s chest as she spoke to him, and even though her dirty talk left a lot to be desired, there simply wasn’t much Brooke could do about how sexy she was.  Even in her IQ-diminished state, he felt in awe of her as she straddled his little body with her big thighs, shaking those H-cups high over his head, before leaning down and abruptly taking his cock in her mouth.

“Ooooh, aaaah!  E-Easy…easy!” Lucas chuckled, reaching down to steady Brooke’s head.  She had used a bit too much of her teeth, which she was wont to do these days when her IQ was this low.

“Heh, sorry!” Brooke exclaimed, popping his cock out of her mouth and smiling at him apologetically.  “I get so carried away that I forget that you like it nice and slow…right?”

“Mhm, yeah,” Lucas nodded, putting his head back on the pillows as he felt Brooke’s warm mouth engulf his cock once more.  “Nice and…slow…mmmmm yeah…that’s good.”

For a couple minutes, Brooke crouched over him like this, the top of her head bobbing slowly up and down, as she mechanically worked on Lucas’s cock.  It felt great…it really did…but Lucas couldn’t help but think back to half an hour before, when Brooke’s I had been much higher, how much better her blowjob had been.  Right now, she wasn’t doing much with her tongue, her suction was either too much or not enough, and she had apparently completely forgotten about his balls.  Lucas glanced over to his left, to the nightstand, where the device was just sitting there, that same light purple screen seeming to flash softly in his direction.  Had it been flashing before?  Lucas didn’t really know…and he didn’t care.  Reaching over, he picked it up off the nightstand and brought it up next to his body, concealing it under a pillow.  He looked down at the screen, and the first stats jumped out at him:

Height: 5’5

Weight: 152

Breasts: H-cup

Waist: 30

Hips: 41

IQ: 81

There were a whole host of other stats, but these were the ones that Lucas paid the most attention to…most especially her breasts and IQ.

‘Come on,’ said a little voice in his head, ‘Just…just tweak her a little!  There’s no harm in that – you’re in total control right now.  You learned your lesson from last time.  It’s not like anything was ruined, after all!  So just…you know, take it easy.  And don’t get too carried away.’

Ever so slightly, after selecting the “Breasts” tab, he switched them up to I-cups…and then J-cups.  The effect was instantaneous – if he had blinked, Lucas would not have noticed the change.  But once it happened, he could admire the results.  Her tits had swelled and burgeoned out beautifully, so that now, as she leaned forward in the midst of her blowjob, her hardened nipples were actually brushing against his stomach.

‘God, her nipples really are hard,’ Lucas thought.  ‘She’s…really turned on…’

There wasn’t any doubt that Brooke’s arousal was fueling the blowjob – she was diligently going at it, bobbing her head up and down over and over, not seeming to tire or get bored at all.  And yet, again, Lucas wasn’t able to help thinking about how mechanical her technique was.  Simply put, she just didn’t have the mental capacity to really delve in and take the blowjob to the next level.  The “IQ” button was sitting right there, invitingly.  For an instant, Lucas could have sworn that he saw the button flash with a sudden rainbow shimmer, but…that had probably just been the lighting, or his imagination.  There wasn’t any way this device could “know” what he was thinking…no way…

Very slowly, he reached down, pressed the “IQ” button, and then began turning the dial – 85, 90, 95, 100.  He stopped there, looking curiously at her to see what would happen, if anything.  He felt a sudden warm, slick pressure along the hard shaft of his cock, and he couldn’t stifle an audible moan.  Brooke had started licking up and down his shaft, interspersing that with some more nuanced suction.

“Mmm god, that…feels amazing,” Lucas sighed out, looking up at the ceiling, reveling in his power.

“You like that?” Brooke whispered, glancing up at him briefly and making eye contact as she grinned.  “I know you like it when I tease you a little.”

“Eheheh yeah,” Lucas chuckled, “You…ha, you know me.”

Brooke scrunched her eyes at him affectionately and then got back to work; her pace had slowed slightly, but in the place of a faster, more robotic cadence, Brooke was now taking the time to lick and lap at some of the more sensitive parts of his cock, especially the underside of his mushroom head.  She still hadn’t touched his balls, though.

‘What’s the harm in going a little higher?’ Lucas thought, and the next moment he was turning the dial more, making sure to go carefully so he didn’t have another slip-up like last time.  105, 110, 115…120.  Brooke was now almost his IQ equal, and Lucas again felt an immediate shift in her technique.  She stopped bobbing her head up and down, and was now focusing her mouth on the head of Lucas’s cock, as her tongue licked and lapped faster, and hungrily, around the sensitive under-head.  She interspersed her quickened tongue technique with quick little kisses around the top of his swelling head, with her puckered lips beginning to tease around his slit.  Lucas moaned out again, the waves of intensified pleasure coursing around him, and then he sat up a little straighter against the pillows when he felt Brooke’s manicured nails beginning to tease the delicate underside of his scrotum, which tensed up in response.

“Ooooo, I know you like that,” Brooke chuckled, her fingers responding to his tensed ballsack by accelerating their spider-dance across it as she interspersed her licking with more cockhead kisses.  “Is this *mwah* how other girls have *mwah* blown you before, Lucas?”  Even the sound of her voice had changed – her words carried a sharper edge to them, a lasciviously teasing tone, that hadn’t been there before.

“I, uh…heh, I really…can’t say,” Lucas replied with more than a little effort.  It was difficult to carry on a conversation with Brooke’s lips making out with his cock like that.  She certainly seemed to enjoy his struggles, and her eyes flashed a little as she redoubled her efforts.

“*MwahMwah*  Ohhhh, you can’t say?” she teased.  “Then I guess I’m not doing a good enough job, am I?”

“No, I…I didn’t mean it like…like that…” Lucas countered, but his attention had shifted back to the device.  125…130…135.  Brooke abruptly stopped her kisses and promptly deepthroated Lucas’s cock, going swiftly down all the way to the base, so that her lips kissed the flesh where his cock began.  At the same time, she shut her eyes and moaned out deeply in an exaggerated exhale, sending waves of titillating vibrations surging through his entire cock.  Her fingers were now eagerly all working against his balls, teasing them with soft, tickling touches that made the skin all across his body rise up in a shiver of goosebumps.


Brooke came up off his cock, the slick wet sound of her throat echoing out into the bedroom, making Lucas even more aroused.  The smarter she got, the dirtier she sounded.

“I don’t think you know what you mean, Lucas,” Brooke declared, shaking his glistening cock playfully as she gripped it by the base.  She leaned forward slightly, so that she was looming over him as he half-sat, half-lay there against the pillows, feeling utterly dwarfed.  Brooke’s eyes were wide with teasing passionate pleasure; it was clear that, in contrast to a few minutes before, when she had simply wanted to pleasure Lucas with her mouth, she now wanted to pleasure him through domination.  Still gripping his cock by the base, she brought her head down even closer, so that her body was curved down towards him, like a predator waiting to pounce on its prey.

“I’m pretty sure each one of my tits is bigger than your head now,” she continued, sticking her tongue out the side of her mouth as she cupped the underside of one breast with her free hand and shook it, sending jiggling waves through the creamy flesh.  “How does that make you feel, Lucas, hrmm?”

He was so turned-on that he couldn’t even answer – right now, he was using almost all of his energy to focus on not cumming, so that he could draw out the incredible moment.  He was utilizing the other tiny vestige of energy to turn the dial even more.  140…145.

“Kinda tough to talk right now, huh?” Brooke teased, not giving him a moment to recover.  “That’s okay, you don’t even need to answer.  I already know how it makes you feel – I felt your cock get harder when I mentioned it.  You LOVE it, don’t you, Lucas?  You LOVE how much bigger I am than you.  You can’t get enough of it.  I see how you steal glances at my body all the time.  You’re obsessed with me.  Day and night, I dominate your thoughts.  And it aaaaall starts with these big babies here, doesn’t it…little guy.”

Brooke released Lucas’s cock and straddled his little body with her big thighs, as she now cupped the underside of both breasts and jiggled them high over Lucas’s head.    At the same time, she squeezed her thighs together, compressing his body, making him seem even smaller than he felt already.  Lucas tried breathing deeply to steady himself, but it already felt like he was on the verge of losing control.  If she had been stroking his cock at this moment, let alone blowing it, then he wouldn’t have been able to keep himself from cumming.

‘She knows that,’ he thought suddenly, staring up at awe at her J-cups juddering high above him.  ‘She knows that I was about to cum, and that’s why she’s giving me a break…to prolong everything.’

This simple realization hit home to Lucas how in-control Brooke already was.  The transformation was unbelievable, and really, he had barely even turned the dial!  As if to make the point, he turned it again, making her IQ 160.

“My god…” Brooke purred, parting her huge breasts so that Lucas could see her face completely; her pretty lips were curled up in a sexy, sultry smirk.  “Look at that.  Just…look at that, Lucas.  Are you seeing this!?”

She let her tits bounce back down onto her chest with a double-slap as she brought her hands down, wrapping them around the sides of his torso as she squeezed him, making him jump and fail a little in place (because it tickled).

“Awww, hahaha, ticklish, are we?” Brooke laughed.  “Noooo, no, stay still Lucas…stay still.”  Her hands still around his torso, she held him in place, and even though he tried to squirm away from her grip, there was nothing he could do.  She was so much bigger and stronger than him that she was able to manhandle him without any apparent effort.  And what’s more, Lucas knew that this had all been by design – she had meant to tickle him to MAKE him try to get away, just so that she could show him how small and helpless he truly was in her grasp.  But now he wasn’t thinking about anything except that gorgeous face descending down on him.  Brooke had arched her back further, so that her face was only a couple feet away from his as she stared down at him, her green eyes seeming to flash and shimmer in the low light as she stared dominantly down at him.

“I want you to look at my thighs compared to your torso, Lucas,” she breathed softly.  She felt up his chest with her left and, and, with her right, she reached down and gave her right thigh a loud, hearty smack.  Lucas felt the weighty vibration of her leg go through him, and marveled at how her leg continued to jiggle and shake for a few seconds after impact.  Just as he was taking in how much mass her leg contained, she lightly smacked his chest, not hard enough to sting him, but hard enough to show that his flesh didn’t quiver at all.

“Yepppp,” Brooke giggled, “shaking” his torso while actually shaking and jiggling her big thigh against him.  “I’ve got waaaay more meat on my bones than you do, Lucas.  Look at the comparison.  One of my thighs is thicker and wider than your entire waist!  What do you think about that, huh?  Got anything to say about it, sweetheart?”

Lucas knew that there was no way that he could form words right now, and so he just shook his head back and forth.  He knew he was throwing in the towel…waving the white flag.  He knew that he couldn’t even begin to pretend anymore that he was in control of the sexual situation.  Hell, she probably already knew about the device at this point…all the more reason not to stop at 160 IQ, of course.  Barely able to control his hand, Lucas turned the dial to 170.  And then to 180.

“Oh thaaaaat’s right,” Brooke cooed down at him, in a loving, pleasant tone, almost motherly.  “When you get like this, you can’t talk.  Look at your little face.  It’s beet-red.  You’re about to explode, aren’t you?  But not yet, honey…not yet…”

It no longer mattered that she wasn’t touching his cock.  Lucas’s groin had already started convulsing in pre-orgasmic spasms, and he was seconds away from straight-up ejaculation, but Brooke had other ideas.  With fluid, easy motions, she backed off his body, bent down low towards his cock, and yawned her mouth open, languidly taking the whole thing down her throat in one elegant, arching swoop.


Her lips formed a tight vice around the base of his cock, effectively staying his orgasm, but keeping him teetering on the edge of bliss.

“Aaaaaaauuuggh….Brooke….” moaned Lucas, his trembling hands trying fruitlessly to push her head up off his cock.  “Brooke….please….”

“Uh-uh…” Brooke muttered, with his cock in her mouth, shaking her head back and forth in the “No” motion, before suddenly speeding up, with her lips still tight around the base, not allowing him to cum yet.

“Rrrrrrrrr!” growled Brooke sexily, shaking her head back and forth aggressively as she swallowed deep in her throat, over and over, so that her throat muscles massaged the entirety of his head and shaft.  “Rrrrrrrrrrr!  Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!”

“Oh my god, oh my goddddd!” cried Lucas in a panic.  He didn’t even know what he was thinking now – his mind had taken flight, and was now tossed around like a ragdoll in the hurricane of Brooke’s sexual onslaught.  He didn’t even know what she was doing anymore inside her mouth.  It felt like her tongue was curling around his entire shaft…then flicking against the back of his head, right at the most sensitive part.  Over and over she throated his cock, again and again, never letting him have enough time before her lips suctioned at the base of his length once more, preventing orgasm after orgasm.  It was pure torture, pure sexual torment.  And yet, at the same time, Brooke was staring at him with those gorgeous green eyes, blinking them softly down at him, even as they twinkled with the naughty understanding of what she was doing to him.  She was attacking him, yes…and showing him who was truly in charge…but strangely, at the same time, she was showing him how much she loved him, how much she cared about him, and how much it meant to her to take him to the absolute peaks of pleasure.

Even so, Lucas couldn’t take this anymore.  He reached out to the dial to turn Brooke’s IQ down, but, because of the shuddering effects of Brooke’s divine blowjob, he accidentally turned the dial not down but up, to 200.  His eyes went wide when he saw the flashing number on the screen, and his eyes darted straight to Brooke’s.  She was looking straight at him, his cock all the way down her throat, with her big lips latched hungrily down around the base of his shaft.  Very slowly, her eyes moved over to the device, then back to Lucas…then over to the device…then back to Lucas once more.  There wasn’t any doubt now – she knew.  For the second time that night, he had lost control.

Brooke bounced her eyebrows up and down, as if to say, ‘Haha, here we are again!’ and then shut her eyes and bore down even harder on his cock, shaking her head back and forth hungrily as she finally released the stranglehold of her lips from his base.

“Ggguuuuuaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” Lucas cried, and his entire body spasmed up into an arch on the bed as he came HARD, rocketing rope after rope of cum down Brooke’s throat.  It didn’t matter that he had already cum less than an hour before.  Brooke’s treatment had ratcheted up his two little sperm factories into high-production, and he gave her everything he had as she ravenously gulped it all down.

Somehow, Lucas didn’t pass out, though his vision and hearing fuzzed in and out as he fought to stay conscious.  As his ferocious orgasm began to wane, he felt a desperate need to maintain control over the device…he had to dial her IQ back down…he had to…or else…she would take the device, surely!  She’d take it, and he’d never have control ever again.  He tried moving his arms, but he was still “coming back” into the world after nearly fainting.  He gradually became aware of Brooke kneeling over him, her hands resting on her thighs, which straddled both sides of his body.  As his vision materialized, he could see a knowing smile on her face, as she slowly shook her head back and forth down at him.

“How many more times, sweetheart?” she teased him softly.

Lucas took two quick, deep breaths, gearing himself up…the panic was really setting in now…and without any more delay, he reached over to the dial and turned it way down, all the way back to 120.  Breathless, he looked up at Brooke, who was still straddling him, smiling.  But that knowing look, the terrifying hint of super-intelligence, had vanished from her eyes.

“Mmmmm, look at youuuuu!” she laughed, meaning forward and rubbing his torso.  “You’re covered in sweat!  God, I really made a mess of you, didn’t I?”

“Y-you…you really did,” Lucas breathed out, daring to relax.  But then Brooke looked over at the device, puzzled, and Lucas nearly panicked again.

“Were you recording us?” she asked, nodding at the device.

“Uh…no,” he answered, breathing a sigh of relief.  Apparently it just looked like a smartphone to her again.

“Well let’s record our next blowjob, why don’t we?” Brooke suggested, sticking her tongue out at him.  “I wanna see if there are ways to improve.”

A couple days later, Lucas was sitting at his desk, as usual pretending to work while he toyed around with the device…Brooke’s breasts were M-cups at this point, and her top was noticeably tighter than it had been earlier that morning when they had both arrived at Braden.  Brooke was sitting in the big black leather chair, her back to Lucas as she swiveled slowly left and right.  She was on the phone with Rick, and in between his private breast-filled monologues, he caught excerpts of their conversation, something about “total operating characteristics” or something.  Lucas was paying enough attention to the conversation to know that Brooke was having a bit of difficulty understanding what was going on.  But, of course, since he had been spending the majority of the morning covertly growing her breasts, he didn’t have much of an idea what was going on, either.  Feeling a bit nervous all of a sudden, Lucas reminded himself that, in the eyes of Dave and the other higher-ups at Braden, he was “on the hook” for Brooke’s performance.  If stuff wasn’t getting done, that actually fell back on him, and not her.

“But…mhm…but yeah…uh, that’s where I’m not really understanding,” Brooke was saying into the phone, swiveling back and forth in her chair.

‘She’s nervous,’ Lucas realized.

“I mean, I get that TOC can measure the ability…uh…yeah, yeah, the ability of an index variable to diagnose whether or not a characteristic is there.  I get that.  But it’s the receiver operating characteristic that’s kinda throwing me for a loop.  I know I should know all this…but, like…I’m having to really stretch here.  I’m sorry, Rick.  You’re being so patient with me.”

Lucas closed down the “breast” tab of the device and swiftly pulled up the “IQ” tab.  The “100” shone softly up at him in a shy blue, almost (he thought) like it was sheepishly asking him to turn the dial and increase it.  It was uncanny how the display somehow matched what was happening in his brain – because Lucas had suddenly had a bit of an epiphany.  He had been keeping Brooke’s IQ lower at work, just so that she wouldn’t overpower him and show him up in front of everyone…and then dialing it back up when they were at home.  But, with a lower IQ, it had been difficult for Brooke to keep up with her stressful, demanding job…a job that, ultimately, he was on the hook for.

‘Why don’t I just…turn it up a little?’ Lucas thought.  ‘Like, enough so that she’s able to keep up, but maybe so that she’s still slightly behind me, so that I’ve always got the upper hand, still.  Haha, geez, I was kinda being insecure, wasn’t I?  Keeping her at 100?  So silly, heheh…’

Glancing up furtively at Brooke, he slowly began turning the dial, watching the process play out as he did so.

“But ROC also characterizes diagnostic ability, yes?” Brooke was saying.  “So what’s the difference between that and…oh…heh, wait, hold on – I think I remember now.  ROC reveals less information than the TOC.  Yeah…yeah!  Haha right!”  She was smiling and nodding her head, looking like she was back on track.  “I don’t know why I forgot about that…pretty basic, huh?  Anyway…”

Lucas had been hard all morning, but now, adjusting Brooke’s IQ, he just got harder.  Even though he was just listening to her talk about machine learning terms he already knew, it was just so…HOT…hearing her get smarter and smarter, and knowing how much more potential she had.

‘But it’s all because of ME,’ Lucas thought to himself, turning up the dial some more.  ‘No one else has the slightest idea…and SHE doesn’t know either.’  Her IQ was at 110 now, and Lucas watched as Brooke picked up a pen and began thumbing it through her fingers; the new activity was an obvious indication of the intensified activity in her mind.  To any other observer, it would have looked like Brooke had just had a good cup of coffee, which had invigorated her and dusted out the “11am cobwebs.”  But to Lucas, her increased intelligence and vivacity made her look innocent and vulnerable…because HE knew that all the changes were happening because of what HE was doing.  Brooke was, essentially, helpless – if he had wanted to, he could have turned her IQ all the way down to 40; he could make her breasts the small little mosquito bites they had originally been; he could make her short!  Basically, there was no limit to what he could do…and although, of course, he would never do any of the latter things, just knowing that he COULD filled Lucas with a sense of security.  He would never truly become a slave to his own lust again, knowing that, with a flick of his finger, he could make Brooke undesirable again.  In every sense, he had all the power, all the control.

“For each threshold?” Brooke asked Rick into the phone.  She stopped swiveling in her chair and leaned forward slightly, looking a bit flustered again.  “Okay…uhm, let me think about this for a sec…heheh, sorry, as soon as I climb one wall I smack into another one!  Thanks for bearing with me, Rick, I’m doing my best to keep up.  Oh…Lucas?”

Lucas felt a stab of panic and straightened up at his desk, jerking his head up just in time to see Brooke turn in her chair to stare at him.  She didn’t look particularly pleased at him, and Lucas suddenly remembered the other reason for keeping Brooke’s IQ lower at work: when it was a bit higher, like around 110 or 120, she tended to get annoyed with him for not doing his job, since he spent most of the day fiddling around with his device and ogling her boobs rather than helping her out.  That look she was giving him now…it made him pause.  Did he really want to invite her irritation back into the exchange?  When she was 100 IQ, she didn’t snap at him nearly as much, although she definitely still got annoyed at him when she was really stressed out and he wasn’t helping her.

“No, he’s…I don’t really know what he’s doing,” Brooke said into the phone, her eyes still locked onto Lucas, her face expressionless.  God, in that white top…with Brooke having undone the top few buttons earlier that morning because it was getting so tight…those M-cups were looking deliciously fat and creamy as they strained under the taut fabric.  Lucas blinked at her and smiled, but Brooke didn’t return the smile.  Whether because she was focused on the conversation with Rick, or because she was annoyed with him, Lucas wasn’t quite sure.  For several seconds, a silence dragged out in the office; Lucas could feel himself getting more and more nervous.  He thought about dialing down her IQ back to 100.

‘No, no…that wouldn’t be good,’ he thought.  ‘Then I’d end up having to explain everything to her, because Rick isn’t the best at explaining stuff to people who aren’t already super-smart.  But if I make her IQ higher then she might actually start getting pissed at me again…’

It was a difficult dilemma, but ultimately, Lucas chose the latter option – the way the silence seemed to infuse the air made him nervous, and he had actually started wondering whether Brooke could see the device in his lap for what it actually was.  Something had to change.  He had to make SOME kind of adjustment.  And so, glancing down at the device’s screen, he turned the dial up to 120 and then, heart suddenly pounding, he darted his eyes back up at Brooke to witness the results.

“Hold up, hold up a sec,” Brooke said suddenly, dropping the pen and holding her hand out in the air.  “I think I finally just remembered – ROC reveals two ratios, right?  Hits to misses and false alarms to correct rejections?”  A moment later she was smiling warmly and nodding her head.  All this time she was making eye contact with Lucas, although, again, he wasn’t sure if that was merely incidental or not.  In any case, he felt his own insides warm with that smile on her face.

“I knew it, haha!” Brooke was laughing into the phone.  “I felt like it was, like…juuuuust there, out of reach somewhere in my memory, and then I just reached out and snatched it!  Haha yep…yeah…okay…okay Rick, that sounds good.  Yeah, I’ll tell him.  Okay, bye!”

Brooke hung up and kept her hand on the phone for a few seconds, staring at Lucas while she took a deep breath.  Then she let it out again, smiling broadly.

“Well!” she exclaimed.  “That turned out to be a productive conversation!”

“Oh…did it?” Lucas asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

“Yeah, I was, like…I don’t know,” Brooke explained, shaking her head as her eyes went slightly wide.  “I was completely stuck – TOTALLY forgot the difference between TOC and ROC and –”

“Oh I could’ve explained that to you,” Lucas interrupted, with a casual wave of his hand.

Brooke stared at him, not speaking right away, before taking another deep breath and answering:

“Yeah, well…you seemed a little busy with…whatever it was you were doing on your phone…”  She brightened back up.  “And anyway, I was talking to Rick, and he was trying to explain it in the most basic way, but, you know –”

“Yeah, Rick isn’t the best at explaining things,” declared Lucas dryly.

“But then I just…I don’t know what it was,” Brooke continued, sitting up even straighter in her chair as her M-cups struggled with her top.  “But I suddenly remembered!  Haha, it happened in a flash – one moment I was stuck and the next I was unstuck!  It’s wild how that can happen sometimes!”

“Totally wild,” Lucas agreed, nodding.

“Seems to be happening to me a lot recently,” mused Brooke out loud, half to herself, as she turned back and forth thoughtfully in her chair.  Despite being even more aroused because of Brooke’s increased intelligence, Lucas started worrying – had he made her too smart too quickly?  Was she going to identify patterns and ultimately catch on to what he was doing?

He didn’t have time to mull over these fears, though, because Brooke had risen from her chair and was reaching her arms up to stretch.  Her mouth yawned open, and she shut her eyes, totally leaning into the stretch, and giving Lucas the perfect opportunity to stare.  She was magnificent, she really was.  Those M-cups were truly a sight to savor, stretching that white top of hers to the point where, after another turn or two of the dial, she’d have to undo another couple buttons.  Her business khakis looked stylish with her black shoes and white top, although they were perhaps a little baggy around her ass and thighs – at 81 IQ, Brooke had bought a size or two too big, with Lucas having convinced her to do so because “that was the latest fashion.”  His true intention, of course, was to eventually have her grow into them.   And now, as she stretched like that, arching her back, with her big tits burgeoning out proudly, it seemed as good a time as ever to get the “growth train” started.

Lucas glanced down at the device’s screen.  Somehow, over the past few days, he had managed to resist the urge to increase Brooke’s height and weight.  The “IQ” and “Breast” tabs had occupied all of his time, but watching her stretch like that, with her hands now reaching up toward the ceiling, Lucas felt that familiar, hot, and hungry lust beginning to surge through his body.

‘Those khakis look ridiculous!’ he thought to himself, his cock beginning to press hard into the front of his pants.  ‘So baggy…and too long, too!  She really needs to…to grow into them…’

Sweating slightly from the heat of anticipation, he pressed the “Height” tab and turned the dial up to 5’7…and then adjusted her weight up to 160.  He looked up eagerly towards her, hoping to see the change, but it wasn’t nearly as dramatic as he had been expecting.  She looked slightly taller…and maybe her pants looked a bit less baggy, but it wasn’t what he was going for.

5’8…5’10…170 pounds…

Lucas swallowed, watching Brooke slowly rise up above him as she continued to stretch with her eyes closed.  He was still sitting at his desk, and it suddenly occurred to him how much hotter it would be if he was actually standing right in front of Brooke while he was growing her.

‘No need for me to hang back!’ he thought, his heart beginning to race.  ‘I can literally keep turning the dial in front of her and she’s not going to know…as long as I can just keep her at 120 IQ.  It’s the ideal formula – keep her smart enough so I don’t have to explain everything to her, but she won’t be quite as smart as me…and she’ll have no idea what’s happening.  It’s perfect!’

His body nearly shaking from anticipation, Lucas slowly slid out of his desk and walked a couple paces over to Brooke; she was now reaching her arms high up above her head, leaning slowly left and right as she settled into her stretch.  Now closer to her, Lucas could hear the fabric of her white top straining from the pressure of her stretch.  Her M-cups were already pressing hard into the confines of her top, and their enormous size was actually making her top hitch up on her torso, exposing a few inches of her creamy stomach.  Lucas blinked in amazement, seeing that her belly button was about even with his shoulders.  A surge of lust went through him, and he turned up the dial again, making her 6’0, 185 – her belly button was now at his chin, and her thickened, widened hips stretched out before him, filling out more of the khakis.  Breathing hard, Lucas switched quickly to her breasts and made them N-cups…then O-cups…then P cups.  A couple buttons on her top immediately popped off and clattered down to the floor, with one of them actually bouncing off Lucas’s head.  This aroused him even more, and he switched back to the height/weight tab…6’1, 190…his face was getting red.

“Ugh, god!” Brooke exclaimed from high above, opening her eyes as she lowered her arms.  “This top is soooo tight…I don’t even know how I squeezed into it this morning, Lucas…Lucas?”

“Uh, d-down, down here!” he called up, taking a quick step back as he slid the device deftly into his pocket.  He knew that Brooke wouldn’t know what it was, but he still had the instinct to hide it.  His backward steps had exposed himself from underneath Brooke’s boobs, and she quickly put her hand up to her mouth, her eyes going wide with a mixture of surprise and amusement.

“Ah!  Haha you scared me for a sec!” she laughed through her hand.  “Don’t sneak up on me like that!  I literally couldn’t see you down there!”

“Oh…uh, sorry,” Lucas muttered, glancing down at the device again as it peeked up at him from inside his pocket.  He could feel the blood pounding in his ears as he felt Brooke slowly step up to him, the top of her thick thighs pressing into his shoulders…Lucas felt himself beginning to stumble backwards, but a big hand was already there waiting to catch him, cradling his back and preventing him from falling over.  Lucas smelled her fresh-flower scent…what was that new soap she was using?  Peony and rose oil, or some other kind of “girl” scent?  Whatever it was, it smelled amazing; Lucas wondered if the device somehow accentuated her body smell, making it sweeter and more intoxicating.  He glanced down and turned the dial again – 6’2, 195…

“You’re so small,” Brooke murmured high above him, peering down over her O-cup tits so that she could actually see him.  Her big hand was gently massaging the base of his neck, with her long, strong fingers working into the nooks and crannies of his muscles and tendons.  It felt absolutely amazing.  He opened his mouth to make some kind of a reply, but Brooke was already talking again.

“Like, look at this!” she exclaimed, lining up her right thigh next to Lucas’s body as she continued massaging the base of his neck.  “Are you seeing this?  One of my legs is basically the size of your entire body!  And my hips are literally higher than your shoulders!”

“Yeah, it’s…yeah,” Lucas breathed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as the sweat began to bead on his forehead.  He turned the dial again…6’3, 200, 6’4, 210…and he FELT the top of her thigh rising up against his body, going up past his shoulders and then squishing into his chin, and then the side of his head as Brooke playfully turned his body sideways with her hand.  She wasn’t massaging the base of his neck anymore – as she grew, Lucas felt her warm hand gradually inching up his neck, until she was rubbing the middle of his neck now, without having realized the change.

“We really should get back to work,” Brooke observed, a bit half-heartedly, since it seemed like she was enjoying the moment.  “I have that meeting with Ryan about that MXNET model training, and then I have to report to Dave about the MATLAB matrix manipulations, which I’m still – “

“Nooooo,” moaned Lucas, not caring how juvenile or pathetic he sounded now.  He had turned and was now burying his face into the fleshy lower half of Brooke’s stomach, much of which was now exposed.  He was directly eye-level with her belly button, and the height difference drove him over the edge, compelling him to plant kiss after kiss on her lower stomach, as he reached his arms out and squeezed her hips – she was so thick compared to him now that his arms couldn’t even go all the way around her.  They stopped, with many inches to spare, stalled out on the rolling curves of her big ass cheeks.

Brooke sighed out loud.  Lucas couldn’t see her face now, so he didn’t know if she had sighed out in frustration, affection, or some combination of both.  His response was to redouble his lustful efforts, kissing her lower stomach even more passionately, grabbing big handfuls of her fleshy ass again and again as he squeezed himself up against her thighs.  He didn’t care how desperate or ridiculous he looked – right now, he was entirely overtaken with white-hot desire for her.

“Heh…” Brooke chuckled after her sigh, and Lucas felt a swell of warmth in his chest.  She wasn’t irritated with him – or, at least, not too irritated.  “You’re really going to town down there, huh?”  Her amused voice only fueled Lucas further, and he jacked the dial up even more, so that Brooke grew to 6’6, 220 pounds.  He watched in awe as her belly button rose up above his line of vision, as her hand rubbing the back of his neck climbed steadily, migrating up to the back of his head.  He felt his arms widen even more as her thighs and hips grew and expanded, and, most erotically, he felt the warm, protruding mound of her pussy rising up, up, up his torso, higher than his chest, until it was even with his collarbone.  Her khakis were tight now, so tight that Lucas had started to hear the sound of the fabric stretching, just like the fabric of her top far above him.  Another couple of buttons came flying off her top, bouncing on the floor.  Lucas lost it and undid his pants, letting them fall down so that he could squeeze his hard cock in between Brooke’s meaty thighs.  He barely managed to do so, and only because he was standing on his tiptoes – even standing this way, his cock was almost the same height as Brooke’s knees.

“Oh…haha woah there!” Brooke exclaimed, her voice still amused, though now with a dash of discretion.  She rubbed her legs together a couple times, evidently enjoying the position, before abruptly pulling away.  “You’re being ridiculous!” she chided, though still with a smile on her face as she walked towards the office door.  Standing there in his underwear, with his pants gathered around his ankles, Lucas suddenly realized how much trouble he would be in if, for instance, Dave had suddenly stuck his head in at that very moment.

‘He would fire me,’ Lucas thought.  ‘Without a doubt…he would fire me.’


Brooke had turned the lock of the office door, and pivoted back to smirk down at Lucas.  She looked absolutely gigantic, and fearsomely sexy.  Her white top was basically a crop top now, and her O-cup tits were a bodacious sight to behold; her hips and thighs looked so powerful, stretching the confines of her khakis.  But it was that knowing, sultry look on Brooke’s face that was really getting Lucas going.  An idea suddenly came to him, and he stumbled, bending down as he fished the device out of his pocket and held it up at Brooke like he was about to take her picture.  But, of course, he was making her even bigger…and taller.  6’7, 225…6’9, 240…

“There,” Brooke said, a kind of mild, gentle amusement in her voice, like she was having to take care of something.  “Now then, where were we?  Ohh…taking a couple pictures, hrmm?”

“Y-Yeah,” Lucas nodded.  He kept the device in his hand as Brooke sauntered up to him, her incredible curves bouncing and jiggling with every step, until she was looming directly above him again.  Lucas was almost hyperventilating as he grew her breasts again, from O-cups straight to P-cups, then Q-cups, then R-cups.  All the rest of the buttons came clattering off her top, which was nearly torn straight down the middle now, and barely containing her gargantuan tits.  Lucas had actually felt their shadow pass over his body as they grew.

“Well quit stalling and get back to what you were doing before,” Brooke ordered, her tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth in that same mild amusement.  “I liked how that felt.  Here, I’ll make it easier for you.”

She swiftly undid her own pants and peeled them down her thighs, treating Lucas to an absolutely mouthwatering view of her juicy bare legs.  In a trance, he stumbled forward to resume thrusting his cock in between her thighs, but he quickly found that he couldn’t reach them anymore, not even on his tiptoes.

“Look…here,” Brooke said, pulling up a wooden stool from underneath her desk.  “Stand on this, Lucas…haha wow!  You’re so hard!  You must really like my body, huh?  I haven’t even done anything yet.”

“Yeah, I…I do like it,” Lucas replied, feeling stupid for even answering at this point.  It was almost impossible for him to get distracted now, but, somewhere in the back of his mind, something was suddenly nagging.  Had that stool always been there?  He had no memory of it ever having been under his desk; he also couldn’t think of any other time he had seen Brooke or anyone else put it there.  So…how had it ended up there, so that it was conveniently available for this very moment?

All this passed through his subconscious like a flash of lightning, though, because Brooke had set the stool up in front of him, and stepped straight up to him, the front of her thighs touching his body as she stood over the stool.  And then, standing there with her feet in place, she started shaking her thighs, so that their firm, meaty flesh jiggled left right, left right, in a crazy rhythmic series of bounces.  Lucas had already lost it once that morning, but now he lost it again, completely abandoning any pretense of restraint, as he jacked up the dial to make her 7’0…then 7’4…and 300 pounds.  The crazily-jiggling flesh seemed to erupt, burgeoning out insanely, as he felt the gyrating flesh of her thighs slowly traveling up against his body.  He felt her knees brushing past his hard cock, only finally stopping when they were even with his own belly button; he felt her hips dragging up his face, and with each passing second, the sweet scent of her aroused pussy became more and more potent, until…a few seconds later…her growth stopped, and Lucas found that he was staring directly into Brooke’s adorably landscaped pussy.  In a strange, humorous throwback, Lucas remembered that she had actually shaved her mound like this when she was at 81 IQ…as something to do that she thought would make him happy.  And now, well…things were a bit different.

“Well?” Brooke asked, peering down over her R-cups as she continued to jiggle her thighs.  “What are you waiting for, Lucas?  Put your cock in between them!”

He was only too happy to oblige, tottering forward on the stool and thrusting his drooling cock in between those thick, glorious twin pedestals of thigh flesh.  Brooke had stopped gyrating her thighs, giving Lucas a chance to actually fit his cock right in between.  He immediately started thrusting in between her legs, over and over, throwing caution to the wind as he flung his head up to the ceiling in an abandoned outpouring of hot, lustful fervor.  Brooke just watched him from above, blinking down at him over her breasts, an amused expression gracing her features.  Somehow, even in the midst of his passionate thrusting, it occurred to Lucas that a 120-IQ Brooke wasn’t doing quite enough to get him off.  Yes, he could have easily cum over and over with things as they were…or with an 80-IQ Brooke at this size, for that matter.  He was just that obsessed with her body.  But he had also been spoiled by the memories of Brooke’s expert technique in making him cum when she had been 140…150…180 IQ…and of course it all ended up going back to the memory of her in the janitor’s closet, when she had become a literal goddess, and made him cum harder and deeper than he ever had in his life.  After that, he had, so to speak, been “chasing the dragon.”

‘But I can’t lose control like that again,’ Lucas thought, still thrusting between her thighs as he peeked down at the device.  ‘No, I…I can’t even get close to that again.’  He thought about when he had accidentally jacked her I up to 300, and how she had instantly known about the device, and not only that, but what was on the screen.  And then he thought about a couple days before, when he had jacked up Brooke’s IQ to 200, trying to play it safer, and how her eyes had slowly shifted down to the device, a knowing expression on her face, as she deepthroated his cock.

‘I’ve just…got to make sure that I don’t get to 200,’ he thought, selecting the “IQ” tab.  ‘That’s when she starts understanding about the device.  As long as I keep her under that threshold, everything will be fine!’

He slowly turned the dial, from 120 to 130…and then to 140.  He immediately felt Brooke’s huge, fleshy thighs converge, clamping down around his cock, trapping him, so that he couldn’t thrust anymore.

“Awww, what happened?” she giggled down at him from high above.  “Are you stuck?”

“Yeah, I….urrrggh…I can’t…move…it…” Lucas grunted, suddenly feeling a bit silly for getting himself into this predicament.  Brooke put her hands on her hips, silently watching him struggle, and just seeing that slow, sexy, confident movement made Lucas nearly bust right then and there.  But he didn’t want to cum all stuck like that – he wanted to be the one thrusting!

Brooke sighed above him and started examining her nails, blowing on them and pretending to scrutinize them as she waited for Lucas to free himself.  Stuck as he was, when he looked straight up, trying to get a glimpse of Brooke’s face, all he saw were the undersides of her R-cups…but he was almost positive that she wasn’t actually bored…that she was just pretending to be bored to screw with him. He briefly considered shrinking her breasts so that he could see her face, but then immediately backpedaled on himself.

‘What the hell am I even thinking!?’ he scolded himself, and instead, with his cock still stuck between her meaty thighs, Lucas grew her breasts to S-cups…then T-cups…then U-cups, before jacking up her IQ straight to 160, more from raw, untamed, lustful curiosity than dissatisfaction with his current state.  If left as he was, Lucas knew that there was no way he could keep himself from cumming after another minute or so.  But he wanted Brooke to be dynamic…he wanted her to take him…to really MAKE him cum like she had before.


The twin pillars of Brooke’s huge thighs began slowly pumping back and forth, back and forth, with each thigh going in the opposite direction, effectively forming a living, rippling, gyrating cock-pump that immediately pushed Lucas to his breaking point.  His mouth dropped open and he seized up, falling forward a little into the warm, ribbling thigh flesh, turning his head sideways so that his cheek pressed straight into it.

“Ohg– …oh g-godddd….!!  Brooke!!  Auuugghhh…..p-please…ohgod…B–!  Please…!”

“HmHmHM…!” came the sound of her pleased laughter from far above.  “Are you all right down there, Lucas?  You seem to be having some trouble.”

With her thighs still pumping Lucas’s cock, Brooke suddenly leaned sideways and bent down, her shining visage appearing from over her gigantic tits as her face brightened still further at Lucas’s plight.  He managed to peel his face off her thigh and lift his head up, with it lolling slightly backward in his desperate, exhausted lust as he looked up into her eyes.  In every possible way, he felt small.  His eyes were pleading, submissive, panicked, and hers were full of power, strength, and confidence…and a little bit of her characteristic sweetness thrown in…still sweet, even at 160 IQ…

“Is there…anything I can do?” Brooke asked, blinking down at him innocently.  “You know…?  To HELP…YOU?”

While speaking these last two words, Brooke had clamped her thighs together even harder, and intensified her pumping motion, making it much more insistent, as her eyes widened and her nostrils flared.  Her mouth spread open in a hungry smile, and her perfect teeth seemed to gleam in the light.  He felt his eyebrows go up towards each other in tandem as his face twisted in on itself…a molten fire was spreading at the base of his cock, rocketing straight up to the tip…he was going to cum…he was going to…he couldn’t stop…NOTHING could stop that from happening now.

“Y-Yyyyyyyyy-gggggggggguuuuuuughhhhh!!” he cried, leaning forward again into her thighs as he spasmed and shuddered, cumming HARD right in between her thick, meaty thighs, thighs which at this point were each longer, thicker, heavier, and stronger than his entire body.  He heard Brooke chuckling above him, still apparently bent over and enjoying as she watched his little body tremble and sputter into her.  Her thighs hadn’t stopped pumping.


“Ooooo, I can FEEL it, Lucas!” she laughed.  “You hear that!?  It’s your CUM!!  Mmmmmm, it’s greasing the gears of my thighs!  You thought I was gonna stop after you came?  Uh-uh!  I don’t think so!  Noooo, no, no, you’re not getting off that easy.  You wanted this, didn’t you?  You wanted me to help you drain those little balls?  Well I’m going to, Lucas…and I’m not…going…to…stop…until…you’re…aaaaaaall…EMPTY.”

With each word, Brooke was now pumping her thighs against his cock even harder.  Lucas tried to open his mouth to beg her to stop, but no sound came out.  He had never actually stopped cumming, and just like that, she milked another long, sticky spurt out of his cock…and then another…and ANOTHER.

*Goooosh*  *Gooooosh*  *Goooooosh*

Each pump of her thighs was now squeezing out a fresh rope of cum, and there wasn’t anything Lucas could do about it.  His floodgates had been opened, and all he could do was stand there, his little legs shaking, barely supporting him, as he jizzed his brains out.  His hands were flailing around, and he tried to access the device, to somehow slow the process down by reducing Brooke’s IQ (if that would even work).  But instead, his finger slipped and he ended up doing the opposite, boosting Brooke’s IQ all the way up to 195.

Lucas suddenly felt everything shift.  Brooke’s thighs stopped pumping, and he was about to take a huge, panting breath of relief when he felt a gigantic, creamy tit smack him sideways in the face.  Brooke had shifted her body purposefully to the side, directing her overhanging breast straight into Lucas and sending him toppling off the stool.  But Brooke didn’t let him fall; instead, anticipating his trajectory, she shot her hands down and seized him by both ankles.  Lucas felt her long, strong fingers wrap easily around his lower legs as Brooke proceeded to hoist him upside down, so that he was hanging directly in front of her face.  In the whole flurried process, he had dropped the device down on the floor.

‘At least…at least I didn’t make her above 200 IQ, though,’ Lucas thought desperately to himself in a flash.  ‘She still won’t know what it is…will she!?’

“It’s a curious thing,” Brooke declared, her voice somehow different…more pointed…like the sharpest tip of a shimmering spear.  She had lifted him up by his ankles so that his face was even with hers.  “I had you in orgastic tetraplegia…and STILL…your mind seemed to be somewhere else.”

She tilted her head to the side as she regarded him upside-down.

“Now…how can that be, Lucas?”  All of her questions sounded rhetorical, and Lucas began to actually worry that she knew what the device was.

“Are you really so attached to technology,” Brooke continued, bringing her face even closer to his, “That you can’t enjoy the moment?”

“I…I’m sorry!” Lucas squeaked out, now totally convinced that she knew.  “I…I don’t…I don’t know…”

He was completely out of breath, and out of ideas.  There was no way he could hide it from her now; she knew about the device, and was now just dangling him there, enjoying her power and soaking in the moment.  It would only be a matter of time before she let him down, picked up the device, and…well, then his fun would be over.  She would essentially own him, and at her current IQ, there was no way he was going to be able to outsmart her to get it back.

“Pssssh, dawdling around on your phone while I’m squeezing cum ropes out of you,” Brooke tutted, shaking her head at him before she play-pouted her full lips at him.  “What could it beeeee on that phone that distracts you from my pulchritudinous splendor, hrmm?”

Closing her eyes, Brooke arched her long, elegant neck and shook out her hair as she spoke.  Lucas knew that she was kidding…that she was playing around with him…but at this point, he had no idea the extent to which she was just having fun, and the extent to which she was mocking him.  He felt some kind of relief, since Brooke was still referring to the device as a “phone,” but…was she just saying that ironically?  In every way, he was dangling upside-down, waiting for her to make her move.

But Brooke didn’t do anything.  She just held him there, suspended, her eyes closely going over his face, and it became clear to Lucas that her last question hadn’t been rhetorical.  She expected him to answer.

“I’m…I’m sorry!” he repeated, feeling quite stupid under her penetrating gaze.  “B-Bad…bad habit, I guess, haha…uhh…t-trying to….uhm…you know…take some pictures and…”

But he was interrupted, not by anything that Brooke said, but by her body language.  She was shaking her head.

“Mmm-Mmm…” she hummed.  “I don’t think so, Lucas.  Tergiversation, little baby.  I can see right through you.”

She brought him up even closer to her face, so that they were almost bumping noses.  Lucas felt helplessly exposed.  He had no idea what “tergiversation” meant, but contextually, he didn’t have to.  He knew that Brooke was on to him, and had no reply.  The idea of trying to trick her, or talk his way out of the situation, seemed increasingly absurd.  And so, once again, he waited…hoping against all hope that somehow everything would turn out okay for him.

“You know what…” Brooke murmured quietly, now actually rubbing her nose against his as he felt her strong hands lovingly massage around his ankles, “I’m going to leave this alone for the time being.  I KNOW something’s up, Lucas…I know it…but I’m going with my instincts on this one.  Heheh, theeeere, see what I mean?  I can already see the relief on your face.”

Her gentle smile became a smirk.

“You’re playing a dangerous game here, Lucas,” she continued, her amusement evident.  “The periodicity of your panic-relief must be exhausting…but you can’t control it, can you?”

Still upside-down Lucas shook his head.

“Mhmmm…so I’m not going to press the issue,” Brooke declared.  “Because it’s going to be a lot funnier to me…and a lot more disastrous for you…when you really DO lose control.”

She glanced down at the device on the floor, and, seeing the panic return to his face, she arched a playful eyebrow at him, slowly nodding.

“Yep,” she laughed.  “Something waaaay more than it appears, for sure.  Gaaaah I almost wanna twist the knife until you tell me the whole truth…buuuuut no.  This way feels right.  It’ll be cute watching you retrieve it when I’ve finished with you.”

Without wasting any more time, Brooke extended out her foot and deftly used it to sweep the device across the floor, straight under Lucas’s desk.  In the process, though, she had twisted the dial of her height and weight, all the way up to 8’4 and 400 pounds…making her an ENTIRE FOOT taller and ONE HUNDRED POUNDS heavier.  But all this was happening simultaneously with what Brooke was doing to Lucas.  Right as she swept the device with her foot, she let go of his ankles, dropping his body straight down into the squishy oblivion of her gigantic cleavage.  She “caught” his body with her tits, cupping her hands underneath as she pressed them together while growing an entire foot in a matter of seconds.  Lucas, who had been pressed to the precipice of his sanity by Brooke’s cryptic teasing, was suddenly lost in a world of creamy, sweet-smelling breast flesh…flesh that was quickly burgeoning around him as Brooke grew.

“Haha, look at this!” Brooke laughed, rubbing her U-cups back and forth against Lucas’s body.  “My tits are so brobdingnagian that only your feet are sticking up out of them!  Mmmm, but that’s just how you like it, I know.  Totally dominated and manhandled by a pair of bodacious breasts.  You LOVE it when I make you feel small and helpless.  You LOVE it, Lucas…you LOVE it…you LOVE it…”

Brooke timed her sensuous, dominant chant perfectly with her tit-squishes of Lucas’s entire body, and even though his ears were completely muffled by her breasts, he could still hear her clearly.  His body shook violently and he came in a blistering, burbling climax that coated the inner walls of Brooke’s cleavage, making him sticky with his own cum as Brooke continued to tit-fuck his entire body.  When he heard the rumbling, feminine laughter shaking through the immensity of the warm, soft breast flesh that surrounded him, Lucas couldn’t help but wonder how on earth he had let it get to this point again.  He had been in control…perfectly in control…just a few minutes before!  And now – THIS!?

‘But you can still retrieve the device,’ he thought to himself, ‘And then…just dial her IQ back down…and…use this as another lesson learned.  You…you still got this!’

His mental meanderings were cut short when Brooke whisked him up out of her cleavage and held him aloft by his armpits, dangling his naked, cum-covered body in front of her.  The size difference now was absolutely insane.  She was 52 inches taller than him, and outweighed him by over 300 pounds.  Her top was totally busted through, and her pants…well…there was no way she was going to get back into them again.  Brooke surveyed everything with a sweep of her eyes – her crumpled pants on the floor, her destroyed top – and Lucas could feel her mind working.  This wasn’t Brooke at 200+ IQ…but it was damn close.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, startling Lucas (but Brooke seemed completely unfazed).

“Uhm…hey, Brooke?” came Ryan’s voice from the other end.  “You busy?  I just wanted to run this prototype by you real quick.”

“Just finishing up testing this SDLC,” Brooke responded immediately, as if nothing ridiculous was happening.  “Come back in five – I’ll have the door open.”

“Okay, sure thing!” Ryan replied.  Lucas stared at Brooke helplessly, the direness of the situation beginning to truly dawn on him.  Brooke was essentially naked, with no way of fitting back into her clothes…and HE was covered in his own jizz.  How was she going to fix everything that quickly!?  Unless…she didn’t plan on fixing things!  Was her plan actually to expose what had been going on, so that Dave got involved…and fired him..which would let Brooke commandeer the device, and…and…

“Heh heh, you know Lucas,” Brooke chuckled at him, shaking his little body back and forth in the air.  “You’re especially cute during your silent freak-outs.  But now’s the time to relax and let me take care of everything.  Sooooo…first thing’s first!”

She abruptly brought him up to her mouth, and, extending her long tongue, Brooke proceeded to lick all the cum off Lucas’s body.  There was a lot of it, but, since he was only 4’0, and her tongue was proportional (and perhaps even a bit larger than average) for an 8’4 woman, she made quick work of the sticky splooge, smacking her lips in exaggeration like she had just eaten the tastiest ice cream.  In less than a minute, he was all cleaned up.

“Mmmmm!  So that…*smack*smack*...is THAT,” Brooke smiled at him, winking as she bent down and set him back on the floor, on his own two feet.  Lucas felt like it had been a long time since he stood up, and so it was particularly jarring to stand next to Brooke, where he was staring straight into the middle of her huge thigh.  Her pussy was now actually above his head, and he could only reach it by stretching his arms up above his head.

“Now you do your part and put your clothes back on, Lucas,” Brooke ordered, pointing to his tiny pile of clothes on the floor, looking pitifully small next to her crumpled khakis (which were far too small for her now).  He did what he was told, wondering what she was going to do next.  He had assumed that she would go straight for the device, but instead, to his amazement, she turned her back and walked slowly toward her desk.

“Now then…let’s seeee here…” she murmured to herself.  “I have a feeling…hmmmm…”

Lucas used the opportunity to sprint over to his desk, nearly crashing into it, as he retrieved the device from under his desk.  Breathing hard, he held it in his shaking hands, hardly daring to believe that he was back in control.

“Yes, yes, go get your…ahem…your phone,” Brooke chuckled from the other side of the office.  She hadn’t even turned around, but she knew what Lucas was doing.  He found himself wondering how much control he had really wrested back…or if he had “wrested” it at all.  He immediately pressed the “IQ” tab, and was about to turn it back down, when Brooke interrupted him.

“Hold on,” she said, holding her hand up.  “Don’t do anything yet, Lucas…I just want to make suuuure…aha!  Yessss!”

She opened a lower drawer of her desk, and, to Lucas’s astonishment, she pulled out a new white top, a new bra, new panties, new socks, new shoes, and a new pair of khakis that were identical to the ones she had been wearing, only much bigger.

“D-Do…do those fit you!?” Lucas stammered.

“Only one way to find out!” Brooke laughed, and a few moments later, they had their answer.  The clothes fit perfectly.  Lucas blinked, at a loss as to what he had just witnessed.  The implications of that pair of clothes being stashed in that desk drawer…he couldn’t even begin to wrap his mind around it all.  Brooke did a playful little spin and walked over to the office door, reaching to unlock it before turning back to Lucas.

“Alright then,” she quipped, that knowing, searching smirk on her face, “Do whatever it is you were gonna do Lucas, since…after all…you’re the one in control now.”

Lucas gulped and immediately lowered her IQ back to 120.  Outwardly, nothing changed.  Brooke unlocked the door and strode back over to her desk, sinking back into her chair, dwarfing it completely.  But Lucas could tell that she was a little flustered as she muttered to herself:

“Okay…so…Ryan’s prototype…how sophisticated was it again?  Uhhh…can’t remember…was it actually clickable?”  She looked up at Lucas, suddenly all business.  “Hey, can you check the attachments Ryan sent the other day?” she asked.  “And give me the quick lowdown on his prototype?  There’s a lot I don’t remember, and I need to just dash a quick email off before he comes in.”

“S-Sure!” Lucas nodded.  He couldn’t believe it; he was back in control.  Once again, he had dodged a bullet.  But as he went to retrieve Ryan’s email at his laptop, too many questions were bouncing around in his head.  How had that new change of clothes gotten there!?  Had a past high-IQ “version” of Brooke somehow…planted them there…anticipating everything that had happened!?  There was no way.  It didn’t seem possible.  Not even a 300-IQ Brooke could have done such a thing.  And yet…the clothes had been there…

His mind was still racing when Ryan strolled into the office a couple minutes later.

“Hey, hey!” he exclaimed brightly, giving Lucas a cursory nod before turning his full attention to Brooke.  There was no sign that he had noticed anything.

“Heyyyy you!” Brooke chuckled to him, giving Lucas a slightly irritated look before rolling her eyes and smiling at Ryan.  “Sorry, you’re just gonna have to give me the idiot’s guide to what you’ve been working on.  My assistant over there has been a little…distracted this morning.”


CW Moss



Aha so fun. Great new stuff to go along with the great old stuff. Thanks for posting :)

Joyce Julep

Lovely question - I don't think it's occurred to him yet. He isn't the most self-aware among us, and he's a very outward-projecting sub, so those are two quick answers. A third potential answer is more subtle: Lucas's sexual self is in direct contrast to who he thinks he is as a person

Joyce Julep

Btw, my last reply was in response to a comment from EuroChrk, which I accidentally deleted. It basically read: "Why hasn't Lucas used the device on himself or others?" And I thought it was a really good question.