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Chapter 12

It was difficult for Thomas not to tremble as he approached Mia’s glorious naked body, all stretched out on the massage table under the warm winking light of the innumerable candles in the Burgundy Suite.  She had her face turned to the side so that she could watch his daunted approach, smiling warmly at how clearly overwhelmed he was with her curves.  How could he not be?  At a mere 5’2 now, Thomas still hadn’t managed to wrap his head around just how big Mia was compared to him.  It wasn’t just that she was 6’3 now, or that she likely outweighed him by 200 pounds at this point – it was the sheer perfection of her proportions, of her skin, of her curves…on her stomach like she was now, Thomas could see those immense tits (the ones he had recently cum all over in a moment of weakness) squished so profoundly that the creamy, pillowy breast flesh was actually billowing up beyond her upper arms as she lay there on the massage table.  Her arms and legs looked powerful and strong, many, many times stronger than his own, and yet still somehow retained the femininity and plushness that made Thomas weak in the knees.  And when it came to her ass…well, Thomas had given up trying not to stare at it.  In the warm flickering light, it rose up before him, gently jiggling with every slight movement, every breath, that Mia made.  Now standing next to the massage table, Thomas was astounded that Mia’s ass actually came up to the middle of his neck.  A few weeks before, when he had been 6’5, Thomas had been used to bending down to attend to clients; now the massage table was even with the middle of his stomach, and he had to get up on a little step-stool (which Mia had happily provided for him) in order to reach her whole body.

“There we go, my little pet,” Mia purred, as Thomas gingerly ascended the step-stool.  “And take it slowly, now.  I want you to take me all in…to savor me.  Mmmmm, yeah, that’s right – oil up my legs first…ohhhhhhh good…that’s perfect, Thomas.  Peeeeerfect.  And I want you to use those little hands to reeeeeallly get in there and massage me.  Slowwwwly, Thomas, slowwwwwly…understand?”

“Y-yes…Goddess,” Thomas whispered.  He was so aroused now that he was barely even able to speak.  He knew what Mia was really telling him – yes, she wanted him to massage her muscles slowly, but actually, she was saying that she wanted him to be able to notice himself shrinking – and her growing – while he rubbed her.  She wanted him to really savor it, even though he still felt a degree of ambivalence and helplessness about it.  He knew that the jasmine and chamomile massage oil was the agent of the size exchange, but there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening.  And really, if he was being honest with himself, Thomas knew his rapid heart rate wasn’t the result of anxiety – it was excitement.  Searing, helpless excitement at the prospect of watching Mia take more of his size in real time.  A part of himself hated how excited he was to see her huge body grow even bigger at his own expense, but that part of himself, the “old Thomas,” was dwindling down smaller and smaller, along with his body, with each passing minute he spent with Mia.

“Theeeere we go,” sighed Mia, the firm flesh of her thighs lightly wobbling in the candlelight from Thomas’s touch.  “Get those little hands deeeeep in there, Thomas.  Deep tissue massage, mmmmmmm…show me why I hired you, little pet.”

Thomas grit his teeth as he tried his best to give Mia what she wanted, but his hands were so small and weak compared to how they had been that it was difficult not to get frustrated with himself.  And it wasn’t just his dearth of hand-strength – Mia’s legs were so strong, so thick, and so firm, that they proved difficult to infiltrate.  Thomas could feel the immense, powerful muscles underneath the plush layer of feminine flesh that covered everything, and yet, he couldn’t get anywhere close to the penetration that he wanted.  He even got up on the massage table itself and knelt down, using the weight of his entire body to try and soften up Mia’s calves and hamstrings as he dug into them with his thumbs, and then his elbows, but it all proved hopeless.  He couldn’t penetrate more than an inch or so, anywhere.  He could hear the soft, mellifluous chatter of Mia’s occasional chuckling; obviously she was enjoying the whole experience, and had never really expected him to give her a “proper” massage.  The whole point was displaying her huge, wondrous body out for him, with the implicit message: ‘You can’t handle this.  At all.’

And, of course…the shrinking.  It wasn’t long before Thomas was sure that he could feel Mia’s big legs lengthening and thickening beneath him.  Now that he was actually sitting on top of them, he could feel the subtle changes as the minutes passed by.  Of course, Mia’s body had been massive to begin with, but after 10 minutes had passed, Thomas was sure that it covered more of the massage table than it had before…a LOT more.  There were still about 8 inches of space on either side of her body, but there wasn’t a doubt in Thomas’s mind that Mia looked bigger, wider.  And she was getting thicker too, if that was even possible.  Ever so slightly, as he continued to rub her legs with the massage oil, he could feel his own body rising up, as her already-impressive frame thickened and grew even stronger than before.  After another 10 minutes, in the midst of what felt like a trance, Thomas briefly came to and looked down at his own legs…and gasped out loud.  When he had gotten on top of her legs to rub them, he had spread both of his legs to steady himself, and had been amazed to see how, spread this way, his knees barely could accommodate Mia’s thick thighs – there wasn’t more than a couple inches of spare space on either side.  But now…the size difference was far, far more dramatic.  To Thomas’s astonishment, he saw that he was now straddling ONE of Mia’s thighs, and that his spread knees had NO room on either side.  How much had she grown already!?  Or how much had he shrunk!?

“Getting overwhelmed, little one?” Mia cooed at him, turning her head slightly so that she could smirk at him over her shoulder.  “Or do you just like what you see?”

“Uhh…I…I…” Thomas stammered, unable to even begin forming a complete sentence.  Mia chuckled softly at him and gently wobbled her lower body from side to side, so that the glistening flesh of her legs jiggled and shook in a mesmerizing, flowing rhythm.  Her ass, which wasn’t even oiled up yet, looked huger than ever, and with Thomas sitting like he was on Mia’s thigh, the fleshy curve of her ass rose all the way up to his upper stomach.

“Are you done with my legs already, Thomas?” Mia asked sweetly, flexing her hamstrings playfully, making Thomas’s entire body buck up with each flex.  “I think you kind of rushed through them, don’t you?  Because, let’s be honest, I knowwwww how much you’ve been looking forward to oiling up my biggggg, faaaaat ass.”  With the slightest, deftest twitch of her glutes, Mia sent her astonishing ass cheeks jiggling and wobbling back and forth, back and forth, while Thomas sat there before them, his eyes as big as saucers, and his cock rock-hard despite having cum quite recently.  It was positively surreal to see Mia’s colossal ass gently twerking like that in the candlelight…it made Thomas feel a helpless, animalistic sense of obsession and desire.  ‘Her ass…it’s gotta weigh over half what my entire body weighs,’ he thought as he watched it jiggle teasingly at him.  ‘Or maybe more…’  He wanted to touch it, to feel it, to oil it up and sink his hands into it…and to feel it slowly grow beneath him, milking him of his size, his manhood, his everything.

“Mhmmm, yeeeah,” Mia laughed softly, her eyes narrowing in sexy delight over her shoulder as she watched him, “You can’t wait any longer, can you, Thomas?  You’re already about ready to POP…I can just feel it.  But are you allowed to pop right now, sweetie?”

“N-No…” Thomas forced out, shaking his head.  He was starting to feel lightheaded, and his hands and feet were beginning to feel prickly; his mind was too engaged with Mia’s ass to realize that it was because so much of his blood was rushing into his already-engorged, purpling cock.

“Nooooo,” Mia intoned meaningfully brom behind her shoulder.  “Remember, I control my little puppy’s cum – and he is NOT to cum until I give him permission…riiiight?”

“Right,” Thomas nodded through gritted teeth.  It felt like his face was on fire, like his entire body was on pins and needles.

“Good…so what are you waiting for?” Mia smiled back at him as she suddenly stopped her twerking, with her ass continuing to quiver with the aftershocks of her movements.  “Oil her up, baby – get her glistening!”

Thomas didn’t need to be told twice, and the next moment, he was sinking his small hands deep into the soft, warm, pillowy flesh of Mia’s massive ass cheeks.  It was ridiculous how long it took him to get the whole thing shining with oil…several minutes, in fact, since his hands were so small now, and her cheeks were so huge.  Mia moaned softly every once in a while, teasing Thomas with a little flick or jiggle of her butt that sent her flesh alive and quivering against his naked body.  She was so immense, so curvy, so smooth, so warm…everything about her felt like he was touching something beyond a mortal human.

‘She…she really is a Goddess…’ Thomas thought, with that same helpless, searing arousal that he felt whenever he was in the vicinity of her ass.  ‘And I’m just…just a little pet to her…nothing more…just look at me compared to her!’

It truly was a sight to behold, and the more he rubbed the oil into her huge ass cheeks, the more he felt them inflate underneath his touch, getting wider and wider, higher and higher, inflating more and more with each minute that passed.  And Thomas knew that it wasn’t an accident that his hands were looking smaller, and his arms were looking weaker – as Mia’s big body grew still bigger underneath him, he could feel himself becoming smaller, skinnier, lighter…and the effect was dramatic when the body comparisons were so direct like they were now, with him actually sitting on top of her.  It was impossible to ignore the fact that her ass cheeks had now grown big enough for him to fully embrace by spreading his arms wide – he actually tried this, and found that, with his arms spread as wide as they could go, there was very little room on either side.  Mia’s hulking ass took up almost all the space!  Thomas swallowed nervously, precariously close to being utterly overwhelmed, and he chanced a glance down at the massage table.

He couldn’t see the table at all anymore.  Mia’s ass and thighs were so thick now that they completely covered the table.  On both sides.

‘No…it’s…that’s…’ he thought desperately.  ‘That’s not possible…how could she….how could she grow that much…already!?’

“Huh…” Mia mused pleasantly, “My ass is getting so big now that you might actually be able to make out that tattoo on my left cheek…”

Thomas looked down…and saw it.  On the lower outside part of Mia’s gently jiggling left cheek, he saw a tattoo of a tiny man…a tattoo he hadn’t been able to see before.  And, with Mia laughing softly, with her head turned to the side, she tweaked her left glute, sending the flesh aquiver, and making it look like the tiny man was dancing.

Thomas really was trembling now.  Glistening like an idol in the low, flickering light, Mia’s heavenly ass rose up before him, as high as his chest now, gently quivering with every breath she took.  Thomas felt something snap inside him.  He couldn’t resist it anymore; he just couldn’t.  A memory suddenly sprang up in his mind – the sheer bliss and euphoria of being in the elevator with Mia, and her pressing her giant ass up against him, so that his legs were dangling off the floor.

‘And that was then,’ he thought breathlessly.  ‘This is NOW…her ass is SO much bigger compared to me now!’

With shaking hands, he grabbed his cock, and, with an audacity only the truly desperate and helpless can understand, he slid his engorged length right into the tight, fleshy chasm in between Mia’s mighty ass cheeks.  The tip of his cock, now completely buried in the glistening flesh, was pointed directly at the small of Mia's back.

“Ooooop…I think I feel a little something back there,” purred Mia, again turning her face slightly to the side so that she was glancing at Thomas over her shoulder.  In the low light, her eyes were glistening back at him like sapphires, giving her a strange, otherworldly beauty.  “Is my little pet getting distracted?”

Thomas wanted to answer, but at the moment he simply wasn’t able to.  His entire body felt like a coiled spring, ready to snap into a thousand pieces.  He felt like if he started thrusting his cock in between Mia’s cheeks, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back.  He had already cum without her permission once tonight, and he shuddered to think what she would do to him if he lost control again.  So, caught in a kind of hellish, impossibly-pleasurable limbo, he simply sat there, his little legs sprawled out against the thick, strong pillars of her thighs, with his poor cock drooling precum in between the megalithic wonders of Mia’s ass cheeks.

“Oh yeah,” Mia laughed, this time louder than before, sending ripples of vibration through her entire body, tormenting Thomas further.  “You really are about to lose it, aren’t you?  And to think – my little puppy on the verge of disobeying me TWICE in one night!  Noooo…no, no, no…this won’t do, little one.  This simply will…not…DO!”

Her voice was teasing and playful, but what happened next showed that Mia wasn’t kidding.  With a sudden, fluid movement, seemingly impossible for someone so huge, her body lifted up off the massage table, her arms spread wide to balance herself, and her ass sticking up so that Thomas, although terribly shaken by the sudden shift, didn’t fall off.  The next thing he knew, he was moving backwards…or, more accurately, Mia was walking backwards, and Thomas, with his arms and legs, was holding onto her ass cheeks for dear life.  He had no idea where she was going, and received another surprising jolt when…


He felt Mia back him into something smooth and hard.  Looking aside, Thomas could see that she had backed him straight up into a large glass door, the door that led to the bathroom.  Mia must have closed it on her way out before the massage, because now, with Mia’s full weight backed up against it, the door didn’t budge.

“There!” Mia smiled, arching an eyebrow down at Thomas as she turned her head over her shoulder to look at him again.  “I could feel you starting to lose control again, sweetie…so I thought I’d help you out a little.  You know, to spare you from the punishment I would’ve had to inflict on you if you’d disobeyed me.”

“I’m…I’m s-sorry!” Thomas managed to force out, as he struggled against the splayed-out weight of Mia’s massive ass cheeks as they pressed him into the glass door, with his feet kicking far up off the ground.  “I w-was…I was…”

“You were helpless,” Mia finished, nodding slowly as she winked at him.  “I know.  It’s becoming something of a theme, isn’t it, Thomas?  You…so little…so small…completely at the mercy of my big body…god, just look at you back there, your little legs dangling off the floor, my giant ass pressing you into the door…haha, I bet my ass weighs almost as much as you do now!  How about that, Thomas?  Hmmmmm?  How does that make you feel?”

Thomas didn’t have the faintest idea how he was supposed to answer that question, particularly when Mia, in the midst of asking it, had started to shake and gyrate her ass against the glass door, further stimulating his already-turgid member.  That was another thing that Thomas couldn’t believe was happening – his cock, which had been 9 inches when he had been 6’5, was the only part of his body that hadn’t gotten smaller.  It was still as long and thick as it had been originally, only now, with his fast-diminishing stature, it seemed bigger than ever.  At this point, it was so long compared to the rest of his body that, with Mia’s ass pressing it up against himself, it came all the way up to the middle of his chest.

“Too turned-on to answer,” Mia trilled happily, her hair flowing like a divine waterfall over her face as she turned back again to admire his helplessness.  “A poor, weak little puppy, pinned up off the floor, stuck between my thick ass cheeks, with nowhere to go, nothing to do but accept the grinnnnnding and the twwwwwwerking against your little body as it gets smaller and smaller and SMALLER…hahaha ohhhhh yes!”

Mia started slow, with steady, building pressure against Thomas’s body as she pressed him harder and harder into the glass door.  After a few minutes, it felt to Thomas like she was going to completely press him flat…but he didn’t have time to worry about that, because, with this slow, sensual pressing, Thomas could actually see Mia’s ass slowly growing up against his body in real time, as its grip around his cock grew tighter and tighter, hotter and hotter, until the head of his shaft felt like it was made of white-hot molten metal.  And then she took it up another notch.  Turning her smirking smile back at him over her shoulder, Mia started twerking her mammoth cheeks, right and left, right and left, over and over, against his hapless, trapped body.  Very quickly, this slow, sensuous, merciless rhythm pushed Thomas to the point of hyperventilation, and in his panic, his eyes darted desperately about, more out of sheer animal instinct than anything rational.  They locked onto the tattoo again, the tattoo of the little man that had been essentially invisible up until half an hour ago, when her cheeks grew large enough for Thomas to see it.  And now there it was – the little man – dancing and jumping around as Mia twerked her huge cheeks back and forth.  The little man’s dance seemed to mock Thomas, and seemed to laugh at his predicament.  He was free to move and dance about, while Thomas could barely move a muscle.  He could feel Mia’s ass growing and expanding around him, restricting his ability to move.  When she had first pinned him to the door, his arms and legs were somewhat free to flail about.  But now, increasingly, he found that he couldn’t even move them.  Mia’s ass was so huge that it was actually pinning his arms and legs to the door as well.  Thomas could still move his hands and feet, but doing so only made him feel more fruitless, more pathetic, and more helpless.

“Oooooo I can feel you getting smaller and smaller,” Mia moaned out, wiggling her ass against the door as Thomas felt his entire body rampaged and tossed against the glass like a little ragdoll.  “Can you feel it, Thomas?  Mmmmm, I know you can.  You can feel my huge ass swelling up against your tiny, shrinking body.  Because I’m taking your size, Thomas.  It’s going into me.  I’m taking it from you, growing taller and thicker and bigger and stronger than ever before…all while you get so small, so weak, so utterly helpless and pathetic.  Awwwww, don’t look at me like that – don’t try to pretend this isn’t EXACTLY what you were made for, little pet.  I KNOW you love it.  You can’t hide anything from me, not with that big cock pressed up against your chest like that.  Haha wowwww, you’re even harder now than you were before.  How is that even possible, Thomas?  Mmmmm, I know how – because I control your cum, don’t I?  I say when you can cum, and when you can’t.  You disobeyed me earlier, but you know a second failure is not an option.  Youuuu know.  And that’s why, even with these GIANT ass cheeks pressed up against you, twerking you silly, I KNOW that you’re not going to cum.  Say it, Thomas.  Tell me.”

“I’m…n-not going to…to c-cum!” he burbled out, nearly at the point of tears now.  His vision had started to swim before his eyes, from a combination of so many things at once: the sheer pressure of Mia’s ass weight pressing him up against the glass door, the tantalizingly erotic torment of her twerking cheeks against his compressed cock, the smooth feel of her perfect skin, all oiled up and sliding in searingly slick cadence against his dwindling form, and, of course, the gorgeous, mocking, dominant energy of her piercing eyes whenever she turned around to admire her handiwork, or more specifically, her ass work.  Mia gave a loud, exultant laugh and reached a huge hand back, slapping her ass and which sounded out like a thunderclap into the air.  Thomas felt an electric jolt of unbearable pleasure course through him in response, as his whole body, and most particularly his cock, absorbed the vibration of Mia’s titanic slap.  For longer than Thomas could measure, she kept him like this, totally elevated off the floor, his little body pressed into the glass door by her mesmerizing ass as she twerked and ground his body down, slapping her ass over and over, making him smaller and smaller while she grew bigger and bigger.

Half an hour later, when Mia finally stepped forward away from the glass, Thomas’s body remained stuck on the glass, even without the aid of anything to hold it up.  She turned around, and her black-manicured hand went up to her mouth, not doing much to repress her laughter at what she was seeing.  Thomas’s entire body was a deep, dark red, and his cock was purple; his eyes were crossed and unfocused, and he seemed to be fading in and out of consciousness.

“Well!” Mia chuckled, her bright, deep, feminine voice instantly rousing Thomas from his reverie as his eyes refocused directly on her.  “It looks like my little pet finally remembered his place – shrunken, exhausted, and plastered up against a glass door…”  She stepped forward and cupped his big swollen balls in her hand, juggling them playfully.  “Without losing his load like he did last time!  Mmmm, nice job, Thomas!  Very well done!”

Thomas opened his mouth and tried to say “Thank you Goddess,” but what actually came out was just a dry rasping sound.  Mia nodded her head, pursing her gorgeous lips, seeming to understand completely.

“Ooooo, and what’s this?” she added suddenly, pointing with a long finger at the glass next to Thomas.  He tried to turn his head, but as he was completely stuck to the glass, he couldn’t even do that.

“Awww, I’m sorry,” grinned Mia.  “I forgot you can’t even move.  Here sweetheart, let me help you.”

She gently gripped Thomas by his shoulders, and Thomas was shocked at how huge her hands felt against his body.  With her giant ass in his face before, he hadn’t been able to properly compare his body to hers, but now that Mia was facing him, the full reality of their size difference was starting to become clear.  Her hands felt GIANT around his shoulders, and everything about her, from her enormous tits to her full, strong legs, and thick wide hips, seemed bigger.  Even her face seemed huge as she peered close at him, winking as she geared up to peel him off the glass door.  And the next moment, that’s literally what she did.  With a long, syrupy squelching sound, Mia peeled Thomas off the glass, with long strings of slick oil hanging onto his body as she pulled him away and set him on his feet before her.

“Oh…GOODNESS!” Mia intoned, her eyes going wide as she brought both hands up to her face, cupping her beautiful visage as she stared down at Thomas.  “Just LOOK at you now!”

Thomas stood there, open-mouthed.  As happened so often these days, he had no words.  He was staring straight forward into Mia’s navel.  He had shrunk down…all the way to 4’7…and Mia was now a towering 7’4 in her bare feet.  The next moment, her navel got right up in his face, as Mia stepped forward and cupped the back of his bead with her huge hand, gently pressing him into her fleshy stomach, and measuring the top of his head up against her body.

“Yep…” she hummed happily.  “Just barely taller than my belly button, Thomas.”  With her hand, she directed his head up towards her, so that he made eye contact with her as she peered down at him over her protruding breasts.  “How’s that for a comparison, huh?”  She turned her head back to the glass and nodded toward it.  “Or THAT?”

Thomas turned to look at what she was talking about, and it instantly became clear what she meant.  High up on the glass (at least, high to him), about 5 feet up, there was the huge, butterfly-shaped oily imprint of Mia’s ass cheeks.  It took Thomas a few seconds to realize that the small, skinny little imprint in the middle of the two massive ones was…him.  HIS imprint.  The mark HIS body had made.  It was laughable how tiny he looked, just compared to her ass!  It really did look like a butterfly, with his little body standing for the small body of the butterfly itself, and Mia’s giant, outspread ass cheeks standing for the butterfly’s wings.  There wasn’t any question now – her ass weighed more than his entire body…a LOT more.  Thomas even began to wonder whether there was more mass in a single one of her ass cheeks than in his whole body.

“Oh, and haha!  Check this out!” Mia laughed, stepping closer and pointing at the oil marks.  “You can see the little “rings” here…where my ass grew!  See, it started there…and then…mmmm, it grew bigger there…and then, ohhh boy, it REALLY grew there…and then it had another spurt…and then another…and another…haha, it’s like reading tree rings!”

The whole scene, with the height and size comparisons combined with the ridiculous reality of the oil marks, was proving too much for Thomas.  His cock, which was pointed straight upward at his chin now, was still purple, and, quite apart from his own will, was threatening to explode in a shower of cum.  Mia, as if sensing this like a predator in the forest, suddenly stopped her fun and bent down towards him, casting his entire body in her shadow as she put her hands on her knees, looming over him as her eyes gleamed in the candlelight.

“Your cock, Thomas,” she murmured, barely above a whisper, yet in a tone that was as dominant and commanding as ever.  “I think it’s time we deal with it…MY way.”



Amazing, as always, with fantastic visuals. Thanks for sharing :)

Joyce Julep

Thanks so much Steve! Yeah, I really had fun with the oil imagery in this chapter ;)