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Thanks so much for waiting patiently, everyone - Chapter 15 is finally here!  I'll be resuming monthly updates to this story starting in January <3

Up later this week: The Abatement of Kyle Trinter and The Landmark Resort, and for $17-and-ups, The Shrink and Mila's World.

Chapter 15

Everything suddenly seemed sharper to Aaron – the midday sun, the quiet breeze across the pond, the rustling of the willow leaves over his head, and of course, the huge, voluptuous figures of Cassie, Kristina, and Courtney gathered around him with their smiling faces – it felt like everything had coalesced into a single, climaxing moment, when the world stood still.  He had been on the verge of divulging to the towering trio his deepest, most intimate secret: the diary, the source of all the crazy changes in his life over the past few weeks, and the reason why Kristina, Cassie, and Courtney were 7’9, 8’1, and 8’4 respectively…the reason why the average height of all the women in the city was now over 6’0…the reason why his size-fetish fantasies had literally become a reality.  But Aaron had been wracked with guilt, and unable to cope with the knowledge that he had altered the trio’s minds without their consent, that he was, in his mind, living out a twisted kind of false reality.  Finally, he had worked himself up to telling them the truth – only to now learn that…they already knew about the diary!?

For several seconds, Aaron’s mouth just hung open, and he was unable to make any sound.  Kristina turned to Courtney and elbowed her in the side, snickering quietly, evidently enjoying the spectacle of his shock.  Courtney touched Kristina’s elbow and quietly shushed her, indicating with her head to keep watching him.  For her part, Cassie remained on her knees in front of Aaron, towering above him by over a foot (and giving him a full view of her glorious, expansive breasts pushing the limits of her sun-yellow t-shirt), cupping his face his her thumb as she softly stroked her long fingers through his hair, observing him gently with her almond-shaped green eyes.

“Y-You…you all KNOW about that!?” Aaron finally forced out, his eyes darting back and forth between the three of them.  He felt a slight, sensuous vibration through Cassie’s hand, and it became clear, through the sumptuous bounce of her curves, that she was laughing, barely keeping it contained.

“Yessss, sweetheart,” she breathed down at him, giving his head one final, loving squeeze before she moved back a bit and plopped her huge ass down in the grass in front of him, with Kristina and Courtney joining her on either side.  Aaron was now more or less “boxed-in” by the three amazons, not in an intimidating way, but rather as an issue of mere practicality.  It had been Courtney’s idea that they sit like this around him while they discussed the diary, since even though this nature spot was a well-kept secret in the city, they didn’t want to risk some passerby eavesdropping on the conversation.  This way, the privacy of the exchange was patently clear.

To Aaron, though, all he could think about was how on earth the three of them had figured out about the diary.  Subconsciously, he had already started to feel an immense sense of relief, since apparently they knew the whole secret and weren’t angry with him…or, at least, not yet.  Did they know everything about the diary!?  His mind whirled for a few moments, trying to process it all, while the three of them waited patiently, none of them speaking, exchanging knowing glances as they waited for his next response.

“Wait…” Aaron said slowly.  He had suddenly remembered that incident the night before, when the fire escape had mysteriously come crashing down, and, for that brief, strange moment, he had thought he had gotten a whiff of Cassie’s scent…plus those finger-shaped indentations in the concrete…he was starting to put it together.  That had all been right after he had spoken his wish aloud!  With the window open!  He turned his eyes slowly up to Cassie, who blinked down at him innocently.

“What?” she giggled at him, her curvaceous figure alive with her girlish mirth.

“Were you…?” Aaron ventured, not wanting to accuse her of something, but having no idea how else they could have known about the diary.  He could tell that Kristina and Courtney had leaned forward slightly…expectantly, as Cassie sat there cross-legged, looking as innocent as an 8’1 bombshell amazon could.

“Were you, like…outside my apartment last night?” Aaron finally asked, deciding to just plunge ahead, since everything was already crazy enough (so why not make it more crazy).  “I mean…you, know…outside on the ledge?”

“Hahahaha he gotcha Cass!” burst out Kristina, clapping her hands as she turned to Courtney (the sheer energy of her huge hands smacking together made Aaron blink).  Kristina was obviously relishing the moment, and continued, “See, Courtney!?  Told you he’d put two and two together!  Cass thought her giant ass could go creeping around without him even guessing it was her!  Obviously not!”

“Awww, darn it!” Cassie sighed, heaving a deep breath as her shoulders slumped slightly.  “I thought I did a good job sneaking out of there, after…uhm…well, you know, after I fell.”  She looked apologetically down at Aaron, who at this point was completely mystified.  “I was gonna tell you about it, of course – it’s just Kristina bet me that you’d guess how we learned about the diary, and I thought, uhh…”

“She thought she was like 007, sneaking out of there,” laughed Kristina.  “She thought you’d never guess!”

“But I thought I hid myself pretty well!” protested Cassie.

“Hid herself pretty well…are you hearing this!?” Kristina teased.  “Look at her!  How can someone with THOSE tits and THAT ass hide anywhere?”

“But I…I didn’t see you,” Aaron blurted out.  All three turned to look at him, momentarily confused.

“Then how did you know?” asked Kristina flatly.

“I didn’t think much of it,” Aaron replied, still feeling the surreal energy of the whole scene around him, “Since I didn’t see anything, and I was already…uhm…kind of…kind of…”

“You were having a bit of a hard time,” Cassie suggested gently, putting a huge hand on his little knee.  “Goodness knows you’ve been living in a crazy world recently.”

“Y-yeah…” nodded Aaron shakily, smiling at Cassie, and feeling the warmth of her understanding.  It was an unbelievable relief to hear those empathetic words.  Even now, though, he could feel himself getting hard, just from Cassie’s huge, strong hand on his knee.  It looked absolutely massive compared to him.

“So I…I was all in my head, you know,” Aaron continued, “And so when I heard the crash and came to the window, I didn’t see anything, but when I thought I smelled Cassie –”

“Ohhh you smelled her!” Courtney intoned deeply, looking meaningfully around at the other two.  “That’s what we missed!”

“So there, meanie!” Cassie retorted to Kristina, sticking her tongue out at her.  Kristina only rolled her eyes in response.  “And to you, Aaron,” Cassie continued, suddenly dropping her playfulness and becoming deadly serious, “I’m really sorry to be snooping around your place like that.  It’s just that…”

“We were worried about you,” Courtney continued, cutting in, “And we were starting to put some things together, some things that didn’t add up.”

“Well, Courtney and I were,” Kristina added.  “Cassie was blissfully unaware, as usual.”

Cassie made a face at Kristina, but allowed Courtney to continue:

“And something seemed just…off, and we wanted to make sure you were okay.  That’s why we had Cassie peek in to check on you, and see if she could learn anything.”

“I promise I’m not the sneaky type, Aaron!” Cassie pleaded, taking his hands in hers, dwarfing them completely, and squeezing.

“But see, we were right!” Kristina observed.  “Cass learned about the diary, which explains everything!  Everything we were wondering about!  Why we’re so much bigger than everyone else, why most women are taller and bigger than most men, why all those girls were having to get their jewelry resized…why our clothes are always too tight…”

“L-Look, look…guys…” Aaron said quickly, trying to wrest his hands out of Cassie’s but not having anything close to the necessary strength, “I’m…I…”  He sighed, and his shoulders slumped.  “I don’t know what to say!”  He looked up at the three of them, and his eyes had suddenly become thick with tears.  “I’m so sorry!  I should never have used that diary!  It was wrong of me to make you guys think…to think things that weren’t your own…to change your bodies without your consent…to…t-to turn you into my own sex sl–”

And, unable to continue, he broke down, sobbing.

“Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh!” cooed Cassie, immediately scooting towards Aaron and wrapping her big arms around his little body and embracing him in her warm bosom.  “It’s okay, Aaron!  Really…listen…it’s okaaaaay, it’s okay.”  Courtney and Kristina had scooted closer as well, moved by Aaron’s spontaneous and genuine show of emotion.  As she slid herself forward on the grass, Courtney turned back and gave the secluded spot a once-over, just to make sure there wasn’t anyone else around.  When she pivoted back around, Cassie was looking at her, a warmly empathetic pout on her face as she comforted Aaron, who was crying into her giant tits.  Kristina looked unsure of exactly what to do, but a few seconds later she reached out and put her large hand on Aaron's back, nearly covering half of it, as she soothingly pet him.

For the next minute, the three amazons let Aaron cry out his emotions…his tension, his strain, his guilt.  Cassie had pointed to him and wordlessly mouthed to Courtney, ‘What do I do?’ and Courtney had put up her hand in a tempering motion, closing her eyes and nodding her head, indicating that he needed this release, and that they should just sit it out quietly.  And when Aaron had finally hit a wall, his sobs petered away, and he just sat there, still enveloped in Cassie’s arms, feeling some sense of relief – that at least the burden of his powerful secret was a bit lighter now that it was shared – but still feeling very bad about what he had done.

“There you go – feel better now?” asked Cassie soothingly, bringing him up off her tits so she could see him clearly again.

“A little,” murmured Aaron, wiping his eyes, “But…but not really.  I…I used you guys.  And I don’t know how you can trust me again.”

“Okay…Aaron,” said Courtney, motioning for Cassie to pass him to her.  She did so promptly, wrapping her hands nearly all the way around his waist and effortlessly hoisting him up off her lap, like he weighed nothing.  Courtney received him on her cross-legged knee, and she balanced him there, with her giant hand on his back, as she spoke to him gently but with undeniable weight and authority:

“First of all, this power that you’ve come by – and we can get to how exactly it happened later – we were all talking about how lucky we all were, how lucky the world was, that you got this power, and not someone else.  You had an adorable, harmless sexual fetish that you wanted to fulfill, Aaron, no doubt something that had been with you ever since you were young, that was so frustrating, so out-of-reach, that of course it seemed like an obvious choice to make it happen, once you learned that you possessed this power.  Are you following me so far?”

“Yes, but –” Aaron began, but Courtney put a long finger up to his lips.

“Shhhh, just listen, okay,” she continued sweetly, taking a deep breath that inflated her big tits against his body.  “Second of all, yes, maybe it wasn’t the most ethical thing in the world to make us feel a certain way without our consent, Aaron, but…look, we were talking about it, and we understand.  Your intention wasn’t to brute-force us into doing anything; true, maybe that was the end result, but we think that all you were really doing was opening up a whole wonderful world for us, for all of us joined together.  That’s the reality right now, Aaron.  And, even knowing how this world came to be, all three of us love it, and wouldn’t want to change it at all.”

“B-But that’s the magic talking,” Aaron said miserably, looking up into her gorgeous face.  “You wouldn’t be saying that if I hadn’t written the wish in the diary.”

Courtney smiled at him.  “So?” she asked simply.  “So what?”

“So it’s not…uhm…real,” declared Aaron, though he wasn’t sure exactly what he was saying.

“I’m sorry sweetheart,” countered Courtney, looking deep into his eyes, “But I have to disagree.  It is real.  You want to say that it’s not real, because that would mean that this awesome power that you possess isn’t real…that it’s some sort of an illusion.  We understand why that’d be easier for you to handle.  The weight of responsibility of this power on your shoulders…I know it’s tempting to pretend like this is all just a mirage.  But it’s not, Aaron – you haven’t conjured some hallucination.  You’ve remade the world.”

Aaron couldn’t even respond.  He knew that Courtney was right…that, deep down, he was trying to somehow escape the heavy responsibility of what he had already done…and, even more importantly, what he could do.

“And we can tell this power is too much for you to handle alone,” continued Courtney, gently and affectionately squeezing Aaron’s shoulder with her massive hand as Cassie and Kristina looked on.  Courtney glanced up at them and winked, continuing, “And so the three of us are going to help you.”

“You’re…you’re going to help me?” Aaron asked, looking up at Courtney blankly.  He hadn’t expected any of this at all, and was totally thrown for a loop.

“Yes, honey,” Courtney breathed down at him.  “The three of us, helping you use your power…helping you organize your thoughts, sharing the burden of the responsibility, planning out exactly what you want…and so on.  I’m sure you’d agree at this point that you would welcome our help.”

Aaron blinked and, after a few seconds, nodded silently.  At the moment, he couldn’t form words.

“You’ve earned our trust, Aaron,” Kristina added, her hands jiggling her huge thighs as she spoke from her cross-legged position on the grass.  “Initially, you couldn’t help yourself, and wished for things that got out of hand quickly, but you pulled yourself back from all that.  We know you, Aaron, and you’ve shown that you don’t want fame or riches or ultimate power or a host of mindless sex slaves at your disposal – no.  All you want is a world re-made, a world where women are bigger and taller than men…much bigger and taller…and you want to explore your size fetish more.”

“But you need us, Aaron,” Cassie cut in, earnestly leaning forward toward him.  “You need our help.  Otherwise you’re just gonna lose it.  I mean, I saw you last night, ranting at your diary, insisting that it wasn’t going to drive you crazy.”

“Oh god,” Aaron groaned, shaking his head, “You saw that!?”

“Mhmmm,” smiled Cassie warmly, “And again, sorry to snoop on you…but all things considered, we decided you needed this little intervention.”

“And the icing on the cake,” finished Courtney, draping her massive arm around his little shoulders in an affectionate embrace, “Is that you were actually going to tell us about the diary before we even had the chance to intervene.  If there was ever one last test for you to pass…that was it.”

Aaron sat there on Courtney’s lap for a few more moments, still trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened.  All three amazons sat there patiently, waiting for him to process everything, occasionally exchanging humorous glances with each other.  Clearly, they were getting a kick out of how mind-blown he looked.  After a minute or so, he finally mustered up the cognition to speak.

“Well I…I don’t know what to say to you guys except…uhm…thanks,” he managed to say, wiping the remnants of the tears from his eyes.  “And again, I’m…really sorry about…about everything.”

“Ugh, enough already!” Kristina burst out.  “Quit saying you’re sorry!  We LOVE this new world you’ve made!  And we want to explore this power with you, Aaron.”

“I mean, as far as we know, it’s just beginning,” Cassie grinned.  “This power you have.  Aaron’s brave new world, haha!”

“But before we get into all that,” Courtney said, taking charge, “We want you to tell us the whole story, from beginning to end…how you came by the diary…how you came to have this power.”

Aaron looked around at them, intently waiting, and took a deep breath.

“Okay so…” he began, “This may take a while…”

About an hour later, he was all finished with the story.  The three amazons had been riveted the whole time, and now that the whole narrative was finished, Courtney looked around at Cassie and Kristina.

“Thoughts?” she asked.

“I’m hungry,” said Kristina flatly, and everyone laughed.

“Okay, so…yes, let’s go get some food,” Courtney nodded, “But first…Aaron, we’d been talking about this before we came here, and I just wanted to lay it out for you.  Essentially, Kristina and Cassie…okay fine, Cass, you tell him.”

“We want to be your live-in maids!” Cassie exclaimed brightly, bouncing up and down on her giant ass.  “And we’ll wear sexy little outfits to tease you every day, while we cook, clean, and –”

She’s cleaning,” Kristina interrupted.  “I’m just going to be cooking, thank you very much…and if you recall, I’m a very good cook.”

“I…yeah, I remember that,” Aaron smiled, hardly believing his ears.

“But we won’t just be your maids,” continued Cassie, punching Kristina in the arm for interrupting her, “We’re going to be your beds, your chairs, your sexy comforters.  Every time you sit or lie down, it’ll be on our bigggg, soffffft curves.”  She squeezed her arms together, squishing her mammoth tits into each other so that they nearly burst out of her sun-yellow top.  “Just think, Aaron, lounging between these babies every day while you play video games or watch TV…”

“Or sitting in between these hulkers instead,” Kristina added, turning around and giving Aaron an eye-popping view of her gargantuan ass cheeks as she bounced them invitingly up and down.  “I just know you’d rather sit on my ass than on anything else!”

“Hey now, I’m no slouch in the ass department!” Cassie retorted, promptly flipping over on her belly next to Kristina and displaying the vast fleshy orbs of her own ass cheeks, which peeked out from beneath her sundress.  “I mean, Kristina’s might be a little bit bigger,” Cassie acknowledged, “But I’ve got bigger breasts, and look…would you really turn down a chance to sit on this chair?”  With the huge, full pillars of her thighs closed, Cassie gently wobbled her ass back and forth, so that its movement joined Kristina’s continuously bouncing cheeks in a kind of visual tone poem of backside beauty.  Aaron just imagined himself sinking comfortably into both sets of ass cheeks; they were so huge that each cheek, from both girls, probably weighed almost half of his entire body weight…maybe even more in Kristina’s case.  It would be impossible not to get lost in those glorious spheres of feminine power and sensuality, and it was only Courtney’s chuckle that brought him back to their conversation.

“I’m sure,” Courtney was smiling, “That there’s no need to compete against each other.”  Cassie and Kristina both stopped shaking their butts and turned back around, giving each other playfully knowing glances.  They knew that their “competition” was only concocted to further excite and tease Aaron.

“The point is,” Courtney continued, turning back to Aaron, “That both Cass and Kristina will be happy to be your live-in maids, serving your needs, cleaning, cooking…massaging you, being your living furniture…”

“And kisses!” reminded Cassie brightly.

“And blowjobs!” Kristina added.

“Yes yes, all of that,” Courtney nodded, “Though within reason, of course – we’re not going to go overboard with all of that like we did last time.”  She leaned in close to Aaron, her big hand lovingly rubbing his back, as her dark eyes held him.  “We don’t want our little man to keel over and die on us, now do we?”

Aaron managed a self-deprecating smile, even as he remembered how ravenous the three girls had been a few days before…all because of his own overzealous wishes, of course.  He suddenly understood that Courtney was gently teasing him for losing control of the diary situation.

“Oh no, definitely not!” Kristina laughed.

“Quality over quantity!” Cassie added, licking her long tongue around her lips before flicking it suggestively in the air, toward Aaron, arching her eyebrow as she did so.  “Kristina and I have a whole new batch of tricks that we’ve been practicing to show you later…”

“Mhm yes,” Courtney said warmly.  She adjusted him slightly on her thigh, signifying a shift in the conversation.  “And while Cass and Kristina will be your live-in maids, I propose, Aaron, that I act as your…manager, for lack of a better word.  This is a truly astonishing power that’s been given to you, and I want to make sure that your wishes are enacted in the sexiest way possible, without you having to worry about agonizing over the details alone.”

“Typical Courtney,” Kristina groaned, rolling her eyes, “Taking over as the brains of the whole operation.”

“Running PR as usual,” laughed Cassie.

“I hope,” Courtney persisted, giving the other girls an ironic smile (they were only teasing her, of course – the three of them had already gone over these details the night before), “That Aaron will agree that he needs someone like me to manage this…well, extensive enterprise.”

“Y-Yes!” Aaron exclaimed, almost too willingly. “Yes please…I mean, heh, you’ve always had a, uhm, a knack for that kind of stuff, Courtney.  You know…organization, rational thinking…”

“He’s trying to say that you and I are essentially big-titted, ass-bouncing bimbos,” Kristina quipped to Cassie.

“So?” Cassie returned, bouncing slightly in the grass, “He’s right, isn’t he?”

“That’s…hey!  That’s not what I’m –” Aaron began protesting, but Courtney’s deep, feminine voice spoke over him:

“They’re just teasing you, Aaron…and you know, if you think I’m good with organization now…imagine how good I’ll be when you enhance my intelligence…”

Aaron looked up at her; the scope of this new reality was beginning to dawn on him.  Courtney nodded her head slowly at him, as his face began to lighten up in appreciation of the limitless possibilities.

“Mhmmmm,” Courtney intoned meaningfully, “Just think, Aaron – I won’t just be your manager, and your PR person for the rest of the world…I’ll also be your therapist, the person who can ask you all the right questions, the person who can really draw out where your sexuality comes from, and what we can do to make you even more fulfilled.  You know, it’s ironic, isn’t it?  This whole wonderful craziness began with your sexual daydreams, the reveries that you’ve been having for years and years, and the diary enabled these reveries to crazily morph into reality, again and again, until your dreams literally became reality.  And at first, since you didn’t know how to handle it all, well…you couldn’t handle it.  We were overstimulating you, and you had pushed yourself to the brink of sanity.  But now…now that we’re going to share this with you, we’re going to help you learn to sit and bask in your fantasies, without letting them overwhelm you again and again.  You’ve been binge-drinking your fantasies, Aaron – and I’m going to teach you how to enjoy them like fine wine.”

Aaron was stunned.  A few hours ago, he could never have imagined this meeting by the willow tree going like this.  It was – and it was no exaggeration to say this – the best possible outcome, for everyone involved.  Not only had he finally shed himself of the burden of guilt over the diary, he also had all three amazons eagerly on board with continuing his wishes.  Before, it felt like his mind was about to snap from the sheer weight of responsibility, but now that these three knew about his secret, the responsibility was so much lighter, even though it still existed, of course.  He almost felt like he was floating on a cloud.

“Okay…” he said quietly after taking it all in.

“Sound good?” Courtney asked kindly.  “You’re game for all that?”

Aaron couldn’t help but smile now.

“I’m game for all that,” he assented, looking almost sheepish in his happiness.

“Awwww, cutie,” Cassie purred, leaning forward and tussling his hair with her huge hand.  At this point, all three of them could palm his head with ease.

“So what next?” Kristina asked, rubbing her belly and jiggling her curves.  “I’m starving!”

Just then, from around the wooded corner, a couple came into view – a young man and a young woman – walking hand-in-hand.  In a sight that had become strikingly common, the woman rose up nearly 6 inches above her partner’s height, and she looked like she outweighed him too, by a good 40 or 50 pounds.

“How about this,” Courtney proposed, a slow smile creeping onto her face, as she turned from the couple back to the group, “We go to the City Square, get something to eat from one of the food trucks –”

“Oh my god, tacos!” cried Cassie, clapping her hands.  “That one truck with the crispy chicken and that amaaaazing pink sauce!”

“Yes!” Kristina said, “And the pork cheek ones with that roasted corn!?  Mmmmmm!”

“Sounds like my idea is a hit,” Courtney chuckled down to Aaron, setting him on his feet as the three of them rose up around him.  Even though Aaron, at 4’10, had been around them plenty at their 7’9, 8’1, and 8’4 heights, seeing them rise up like that took his breath away.  They absolutely towered above him, the top of his head reaching no higher than their lower stomachs.  He would’ve had to have looked up at their belly buttons.  And right now, he was actually looking up at Courtney’s hips.

“And while we enjoy our lunch,” Courtney continued, her dark eyes sparkling down at Aaron from high above, “We can study – and savor – this wonderful new world you’ve wished into being!”


Dan C.

I do like the fact that they acknowledged the fact that they didn't really consent to it but are glad it wasn't anything harmful

Joyce Julep

Yeah, I wanted to make sure I covered that aspect before the story progressed into its next stage <3

Summer Alta

Absolutely loving this. I cannot wait to see where it goes next!